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Author Topic: probably not drinking enough water

Posts: 1
probably not drinking enough water
on: September 29, 2013, 14:45

ive been juicing 2 meals a day for about 58 days. i take 48 oz of juice with me to work and then i have a healthy dinner at home. nothing processed or precooked. my plan was to loose some weight but more so get healthy. i was only about 20 lbs over weight so i felt that juicing 3 meals a day would be too much and i knew i wanted to juice for a while. Ive lost 12 lbs and have no headaches or abdominal pains like i used to. my issue is i dont think im drinking enough water. i was never a big drinker of fluids before this so drinking 48 oz of juice between 9-4 is more than enough for me. i try to drink water in the evening but if i drink after dinner then i pee al night. i guess my question is if there is enough water in the veggies and fruits im juicing to supplement the water that i cant find the space and time for??

Juice Professional
Posts: 50
Re: probably not drinking enough water
on: September 29, 2013, 19:45

Wow! congratulations on your juicing success and your weight loss!
I didn't drink enough water at first and I was sorry. The juice is helping your body detox, but the toxins need a vehicle to get out of your body. Water is the best way to transport those toxins. Another thing about water I learned from Donnie. It helps your body to absorb all of the nutrients you are getting from the juice.
I have to force myself to drink water every day, but I know how important it is. One thing that helps is to drink 16 oz. of water after each juice you drink. I hate getting up at night to use the bathroom too, but I think it beats the problems that come with a lack of water.
I wish you the best!!

Posts: 209
Re: probably not drinking enough water
on: October 2, 2013, 20:03

congrats mrspaquet,

i had the same problem. i am on day 53 and i drink lacroise water. it is carbonated and has no sugar,no sodium,nothing but natural flavor. it is liking drinking a soda. it helps my wife drink water as she does not drink enough. they have coconut,cranberry,lime,lemon,orange, and some others. pattirob is right about what she said. i still get up 3 times a night to pee but it does not bother me because it is my body getting rid of waste. if you don't get that water, you are suffering your juicing. try the water i mentioned above and you can also drink vitamin water which has 5 calories each and has great flavors. here is the lacroise website:

take care guys,
an andy

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