Hulk Juice Recipe
This is my incredible Hulk Juice Recipe. It’s great for lunch or in between meals when your feeling a bit tired and need a boost to get you through the day. It has a great color to it and it packs a good solid punch to Hulk you up. I squeezed a little bit of orange into it and garnished with some orange slices. The recipe uses celery, a carrot, an apple, lemon, fresh ginger root, a cucumber and two handfuls of spinach. It’s one of my favorite afternoon drinks. The carrot gives it an earthy taste while the lemon brings out the rest of the flavors in this juice drink. The key is in the small amount of orange you squeeze into it at the end. The drink is great and has a very refreshing taste. My son Nicky said it looked like Hulk so I named it Hulk Juice and told him if you drink this every day you’ll be strong like Hulk. He drank some and decided he was now the Hulk!
Hulk Juice Recipe Ingredients
4 Celery Stalks
1 Carrot
1 Granny Smith Apple
1/4 Lemon Peeled
1″ Fresh Ginger Root
1 Big Cucumber
2 Handfuls of Spinach
Make sure you wash and clean all of your fruits and vegetables before you juice. Core out the apple, cut the ends off the celery stalks and cucumber, and nip the end of the carrot. I always like to juice the cucumber last and in fourths as not to overflow my juice container. You can substitute Kale for Spinach if you like, or replace the Carrot with an Orange. As always, experiment with this recipe and see what works for you. I always like to hear back from people who try my juice recipes. If you tried this with some substitutions please comment or share and I will try it out and comment back. Enjoy!
Tags: juicing recipes, juice fast recipes, juice fasting recipes, juice recipes, juice cleanse recipes, juice recipe, detox juice recipes
Very very good! I’m drinking the Hulk as we speak. I love it! Its perfect!. I’m looking for recipes for before workouts and after workouts. Instead of protein shakes. Basically a meal without eating it!
Just juice!
Thank You
Hello. I’m back. Having just read some of the comments, I feel the need to be impertinent and add some advice of my own:
If you are a “big coffee drinker”,or, if you eat a lot of sugar, meat, greasy fried food or anything else that could be classified as a habit or an addiction, a good way to cut the amount of suffering from withdrawals when you start juicing is this:
Start by adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet. Then, purposely start cutting back on whatever it is you are afraid the lack of will make you suffer later.
Keep doing this – adding more good, taking out more of the .. well .. not necessarily bad, but, let’s say, something that should be a treat, not a staple. When you are eating quite a bit of vegetables in ratio to other things, choose a meal every day to make your juice meal. Get used to this, experience how much better you feel having replaced caffeine (or, whatever) with healthy nutrients.
From there, add in more juicing, or, jump off and go to all juicing. You won’t get as much pain from your withdrawals, you won’t feel as icky from detoxing, because, you’ll already have done milder versions of that before even getting started on juicing.
Thank you for your time, and, sorry for the interrupton.
Donnie, I am just finished up one day 7. I don’t know if you get these posts but I am doing well, i had a serious problem with cramps & i figured out it was a lack of salt, I don’t add salt to anything. % min. after taking salt the cramps were gone!
Aaron T
Just finished reading your story great stuff
And your website is so full of good informations.
Like your grocery list.
My husband ans I are starting next crisp day the 2nd of May and will use some of your info again many thanks .
Will let you know how it goes pewee plan on doing 10 days for now.
Diane a juicer friend
Hi donnie, can my son have this everyday for a nutrient drink or is there something that you could recommend for my 11yr son to ensure he gets his daily dose of fruit and veges, even if there is a base to start with and I could add to it to switch it up daily..
Can I replace ginger root with dried ginger powder?
Jen, you won’t get the same benefits from the powder as you would form the fresh ginger. If the taste is too strong for you then cut down the amount that you use. Cheers!
Can I drink green tea , while juice fasting
Kenneth, tea is fine but do your best to stay away from caffeine as it’s one of the toxins we are trying to remove during the fast. Cheers!
Is there anything I can replace ginger with?
I am not really a fan of the ginger taste and am afraid it might be too overpowering!
thank you!
Welcome to JOJ Tiffani! You can try using half the amount of ginger or even less and if you still cant stomach it then just exclude it completely. It’s very beneficial to you but wont make or break your fast. Start with a small amount and work your way up to find your limit Tiffani. Cheers!
My husband and I are ready to start 7day fast and juice plan
We are big coffee drinkers…black only can we still drink coffee and add more water to our intake?
Angie, you need to cut out caffeine during your juice fast. It’s okay to have decaf but that kind of defeats the purpose of coffee to begin with.
Hi, I tried the hulk juice recipe and really liked it. I replaced the carrot with an orange. I noticed you could smell the celery but you couldn’t really taste it which is good. I am new to juicing this is my second day I like that this recipe was easy to make. I never thought that juicing could be so much fun and it helps you to explore your creative side. I was feeling sluggish by noon so i drank the hulk juice I feel rejuvenated. The name definitely fits this drink very well. I’m gonna create my own recipe this is so much fun.
Thank you for sharing your recipes.
Tina, I’m glad you enjoyed the Hulk Juice! It’s a great juice and really does help to rejuvenate us! Have fun experimenting with your own recipes. Let me know what you come up with!