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Author Topic: How many of you have experienced this?

Juice Expert
Posts: 32
How many of you have experienced this?
on: September 27, 2013, 23:40

I've been juicing now for almost a month. I have successfully completed a 3 day juice fast, and have continued to juice daily. Super excited about how I'm feeling.

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed some of these changes in themselves since juicing.

I now crave juices... if I miss a day I feel like I can't wait to get my juicer out.
I have such a hard time shopping now. I always enjoyed shopping. It was relaxing and enjoyable to see all the new products on the shelf. Now though, I read the label and with a sigh of near disgust I put it back almost all the time. It just seems that if it isn't from the produce section (or frozen fruits/veggies) I just can't seem to want it in my cart.
I feel the need to heal the world. LOL I mean I tell everyone I know how much better I feel. When a friend was telling me how she has no energy, just feels blah... my first reaction was... have you tried juicing?!!! Sadly I get lots of negative reactions... but I KNOW this works!
When I am buying fruits and veggies, I think... "how will that look when mixed in my glass?" or "I wonder how yummy beets and oranges will taste together" or other things similar.
Foods taste so different, some things I loved, I now don't care for at all. They just don't taste the same. 😕

My thinking about food has changed so dramatically!

My poor dear husband is now drinking juices... he tells me the entire time he is forcing it down... if this doesn't prove I love you... nothing will. 😉

Posts: 20
Kurokujira Kurokujikiri
Re: How many of you have experienced this?
on: September 28, 2013, 21:54

Hahah, Becky, I am always thinking of what new vegies and fruit to juice! I am quite curious about how eggplants (aubergines), Chinese bitter melons, cherries and dragonfruit will juice, hahah!

Have you found other people feeling very sorry for you when you are having your juice lunch that they want to offer you a bit of meat from their own lunch, HAHAH?! Thankfully, I've never even been slightly interested! Now, if they offered me a packet of potato crisps, I might need a few seconds to think about it...

Your poor hubby might cheer up a bit with an extra piece of his favourite fruit sneaked into his juice, huh? Tell him he doesn't know how lucky he is to have you as his private dietitian (send him an invoice, LOL)!

Juice Expert
Posts: 32
Re: How many of you have experienced this?
on: September 30, 2013, 13:39

I haven't had anyone offer me food instead of my juice, yet... but I do get that... "oh, you poor thing" look. LOL

Oh, Cherries are so wonderful to juice. I buy them frozen, they are a bit cheaper that way. Thaw them first, and juice away. Oh yeah, red grapes juice wonderfully, they produce a good amount of juice and add so much sweetness you only need like maybe 4 or 5 in a juice (if that many). Mango is good to juice, it makes the juice creamy, so that's a nice texture when you are doing a fast and need something a bit different. I know they say to leave the peel/skin on most everything... but if you want to change the flavor then from time to time, peel the food. Hey it's just to change up the taste for the bored if it happens. Pineapple has become a new favorite of mine, it adds a hint of sweet and seems to help calm down any bitter veggies in my juices. Pears add a softer sweetness than apples. Raspberries are yummy, and don't add sweetness in a juice.

So, after doing a lot of research on juicing for heart health, I have found some new recipes for my hubby. I started making him a juice of all fruit, 1 cup blueberries, 5 strawberries, small handful raspberries, 4 or 5 cherries, 1 orange... he loves this one. But shhhh, after 3 days I started sneaking in some veggies 1/2 cucumber (peeled) and small handful of spinach. When you peel the cucumber it takes away that veggie taste and spinach doesn't change the taste of most drinks. Also the juice is such a dark red, that when you add the dark green from the spinach it doesn't change the color. He has no idea how much healthier his juice is becoming. :)

Juice Expert
Posts: 32
Re: How many of you have experienced this?
on: September 30, 2013, 13:42

Oh I also put in one red apple and one pear in juice... I forgot those two.

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