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Author Topic: Feeling tired and weak

Posts: 4
Feeling tired and weak
on: January 12, 2015, 19:23


I am on day 8. My objective is to juice for 21 days.
I drink 5-6 drinks/day in that order:

-7:30am: hot water with lemon
-8am: sweet juice with carrots (6), apple (1) and grapefruit (1) and sometimes I add kale.
-11am: Green tea decaffeinated
-12pm: green juice with carrots, celery, chard, kale, apple, cucumber, beet, parsley, ginger and lemon
-3pm: green juice again
-6pm: Sweet juice again with some chard
-8pm: green juice again

All my juices are about 16-20oz.

But I still feel tired and very weak. It's hard to concentrate at work. I don't have any craving, I am not hungry so what makes it difficult is feeling weak all the time.
After my juices I feel good but quickly, weak again.

Any advice?

Thank you.

Posts: 9
Re: Feeling tired and weak
on: January 14, 2015, 23:05

I notice that many juice lovers are still working when having a juice cleanse. Some of us can manage that some of us can't. I guess it has something to do with our genes. 21 days is a long period and a lot of things will happen in your body. Having a juice fast is not a walk in the park. I think you need to rest your body during that period. Many people use their holidays for fasting. A long stress-free period is the best. Some friends I know stay home the first half of the fasting period and if they feel okey after that they go to work during the second half.
Anyway, now you're on day 10 and you have 11 days left. The first 3-5 days use to be the worst period and after that you should be just fine, if you don't suffer from any other health problems. If you're still feeling weak and tired then I would finish it. Sorry, but start again when you have a stress-free period, that's my advice.

Posts: 4
Re: Feeling tired and weak
on: January 20, 2015, 20:51

Hello, thank you for your advise. Actually I went to the Dr because i felt weak, tired and dizzy. I had a blood test done and my potassium level was low and would provoke those symptoms.
So I stop juicing, had to take 4 days off to relax because I felt to weak and dizzy and I am now adding in my diet avocado and banana.

I realize that was maybe too extreme for my body. Lesson learnt!

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