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Author Topic: Day 2 of 7...thinking about life after the fast...

Posts: 4
Day 2 of 7...thinking about life after the fast...
on: June 17, 2016, 08:32


I am currently completing my 2nd juice fast.

My first was a 60 day fast which I completed at the end of May. I had fantastic results (<10 kilos lost, BMI down from 30 to 28) and have managed to maintain my weight loss during the following two weeks when I started to incorporate some solid foods gradually back into my diet along with juicing. (Only one meal per day).

I thought 60 days would be enough, but now I have realised that i'm not ready to break yet... I want to keep going.

My goal is to reach a healthy BMI, to improve my mental health.

Yesterday was my first day all over again and boy was it tough! All the memories of my previous struggles game back and I remember the way my sense of smell was so high... it's such an interesting thing to experience for a second time. One thing I know I want to be certain about this time around is making sure I have really thought well and hard about how to end the fast. Does it ever really end?? I have read too many cases of people just ending the fast and going back to their old ways. I have come too far to let that happen! I would be really great to hear from anyone who has made this transition after a long juice fast. What kinds of things did you do that worked? or didn't work?

I recently watched forks over knives and have been researching how to best transition from fasting to incorporating foods again. Two interesting things I am considering is either completely changing to a plant based diet or the 5:2 pattern of intermittent fasting.

I found this interesting article which talks about the need to consider the density of what we eat. I really encourage anyone struggling with this to read it!

Anyway. Day 2 today... time for a breakfast juice! then off to my haven the fresh fruit and veg market!

Good luck to any other juicers out there! 😎


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