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Author Topic: pre making

Posts: 1
pre making
on: July 12, 2013, 19:37

hi all
I am starting the 7 day juice fast tomorrow to shed a some weight before my holiday at the end of this month. just wanted to know as I have a very busy life style, can the juice be premade and if so how long can they be stored for and if not how do we go about it?

Posts: 1207
Re: pre making
on: July 12, 2013, 20:01

Kerryx, congrats on getting ready to do your juice fast! Juices can be premade but they don't last very long. It's best to premake your juices in the mornin and store them in an airtight container in the fridge until you drink them.

Alternatively, you can make a juice and freeze it. It will hold it's nutritional value until you're ready to drink it. Just don't do something like microwave it or heat it up to hurry the thawing process.

I'll be here if you have any questions.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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