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Author Topic: Nutribullet?

Posts: 1
on: August 14, 2013, 21:29

I recently saw an infomercial for the Nutribullet and I do recall reading a post of yours with regards to juicers and how it's best, rather preferable for a Jucie "Extractor" of atleast 800 watts. I just was wondering your view on the Nutribullet and whether its just as good as say the Breville Juice Plus Extractor or a waste when considering a juice fast? Thanks for the advice!

Posts: 1207
Re: Nutribullet?
on: August 15, 2013, 03:31

Sorry Sheenaw, you cannot use a Nutribullet or any other type of blender to do a juice fast. It just wont work. When you use a blender, even one that liquifies produce like the Nutribullet or Magic Bullet, it's no different than just eating the produce raw.

A juicer will not only extract the juice and remove the pulp/fiber, but it also damages the cell walls of the produce and that is where most of the enzymes and nutrients are stored. By doing that, it ensures that the juice is broken down at it's lowest stage and very easily absorbed by your body.

A blender doesn't do that. It just mixes produce together and that's all. When you use a blender you are passing food through your digestive system. The purpose of a juice fast is to not pass any solids through your digestive system. Even though some blenders liquify things, it is still considered a solid as it has to pass through your digestive system.

On top of that, if you follow the recipes exactly you won't lose that weight if you use a blender due to the sheer amount of calories you will have to consume. When you use a juicer, you are extracting only the juice and leaving the pulp behind. There are 4 calories per gram of fiber that you leave behind with a juicer that you don't with a blender.

Do yourself a favor and grab a juicer if you want to juice fast, and get a Nutribullet if you want a smoothie.

I hope this helps clear up the "why you need a juicer to juice" question. For a more in depth read, you can read the following article I published here at JOJ:

I'm here if you have questions. But really, go get a juicer and start juicing! You will feel so great!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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