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Author Topic: New Here!

Posts: 2
New Here!
on: January 8, 2014, 23:31

Hello! I have been Planning this for a couple of months now. I am a little ocd and have to plan EVERYTHING. if i dont plan, i cant finish what i start, and that goes with everything lol...i saved up to get a good omega are my thoughts.

what has everyone done to really PREPARE mentally for this.

i am having trouble falling asleep because i keep thinking of things i need to do before i start this. for example:

i cant imagine buying all of this produce and wasting all the pulp, so now before i start i want to buy a dehydrator so that i can dehydrate the pulp and throw it through a food processor that i will need to buy so i can save it for after my cleanse to throw in smoothies in a blender i will have to buy lol. im a tad ridiculous i know.

i live week to week as far as paycheck goes. and unfortunately, this will not be my only food bill. i still have 2 kids and a mighty fiance to feed. so i honestly am getting a gift card for the grocery store, and putting a little bit on it every week until i have $500 so i will not be worried about running out of money for veggies, so i dont have to eat whatever is just lying around the house.

i first had to quit my addiction of espresso. omg it was terrible but i did it. haven't had a latte since Christmas eve. so dang proud of myself. it was pretty bad. really bad headaches and tired omg i was so tired. i switched it out with green tea witch is disgusting, tastes like hot burnt water lol. oh well, i need to get healthy.

i want to try to quit smoking but not sure that is feasible...i have tried all week to cut down. in the end of that thought process, its still healthier to smoke while juicing instead of not juicing at all because i cant quit right? i know that that is wrong because juicing is trying to get rid of toxins and smoking is just literally putting them back in. i just cant seem to shake it. i have smoked for 20 yrs and this stinks lol.

i have however started incorporating small routines in my day to get me started, one thing at a time.

skin brushing, oil pulling, stuff like that to keep my head in the game, i know there are debates to those two particular things working, but my train of thought is, hey if there is a CHANCE it could be working....why not??

as you can see i think way too much, and have nobody to talk to about all of this..

i even started recording myself on how i am feeling, like a video journal, taking before and after pics, made a chart to ut in my progress, pre buying all of the seeds and nuts i will need to wheen in and out of this..omg

so tell me, am i the only one doing probably way tooo much prep work for this? i over thinking it too much?


Posts: 2
Re: New Here!
on: January 9, 2014, 22:45

hello how are you , im new to this idea too well so new idea only came to me yesterday after watching that movie fat sick and almost dead , getting a cheap juicer tomorrow and will only do one day this week one day next week and 3 days the week after that but might finish up the week with it i will see ,

i used to love my tea but i got heart palpitations when i drink any cafine so i quit years ago i got the headachs and was tired all the time too but im over it now and dont need any caffine , i do like herbal tea you should try it as it has many flavours and is healthy too , im hoping to record photos of my progress too and hope to do a week or two in febuary just breaking my self in bit by bit this month plus ive things going on and a few birthdays as well and there night out drinking lol

good look to yourself and looking forward to your results and pictures

Posts: 19
Re: New Here!
on: January 19, 2014, 02:06

Hello Mundi, I'm new here too, but welcome! How long are you planning to fast for? I think you're doing a great job by thinking ahead. Your fast will get stopped if there isn't cash to get more groceries. Once you have your juicer and money to last for the food for your fast, you should be ready. I wouldn't worry too much about the pulp. The idea is that all the vitamins and nutrients from the produce is all going into the juice! There should not be too much left in the pulp, this is mostly just fibre and not worth saving except for compost. I agree, juicing is good for you, whether your smoking or not. I did my first two fasts smoking too. But it's a really good idea to quit, there are some sites on the internet to help: is a good one. (this will also save you $ too!) Best of luck:)

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