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Author Topic: Our first juice fast Day 2 and onwards !!

Posts: 8
Our first juice fast Day 2 and onwards !!
on: August 7, 2013, 09:43


well guys we both woke up this morning and fiona says she is feeling ok i feel great so far. think fiona didnt have the best nights sleep whereas i slept like a log. i know its early days yet but i seem to feel lighter and not so bloated which is a good feeling. fi seems to be struggling with the smell of cucumber when we juice so this morning we had a fruit based juice to help keep her head in the game. it was based upon the morning glory which fiona liked so much yesterday but with a little twist.

Morning Glory (new)
2 x apples
1/2 cucumber
1 cup blueberries
1 cup grapes
big handfull of spinach
1/4 small pineapple

this was a very tasty juice very easy to drink and full of goodness to get your day started. we use spinach in every juice and tend to use a good amount of it to.

anyway im off out to do some work today and i dont have a bottle to take juice with me so im gonna be drinking nothing but water till i arrive back later but i know i can hold it together.

i was very proud of fiona yesterday she did struggle with the lack of food and yea i did get sick of hearing about it but you know what she came through it and thats what counts. hopefully she will stay strong today with me out of the way i know temptation is around every corner and in every cupboard but im sure she'll do me proud yet again. she is a little better knowing she can drink a cup of tea every now and then to.

my message to fiona is "i love you very much lets stick at this together make me proud"

col & fi

Posts: 1207
Re: Day 2 of our first ever fast
on: August 7, 2013, 19:50

That's awesome Colin, congrats to you and Fiona on doing so great on your fasts so far. You two will see great success!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 8
Re: Day 2 of our first ever fast
on: August 7, 2013, 21:26

ok so day 2 coming to and end.i had a busy day planned helping friend move house which was ok till i arrived there and saw them tucking into sausage and chips but i stayed strong ! as i didnt have any juice with me i was planning on only drinking water till i arrived home which was ok until about 3pm when i began to feel drained but with no juicer my options were limited so off i went to the supermarket to see what was on offer and managed to find a "mean green juice" by naked juice. now i know this isnt as good as juicing myself but a great stand in for now and it got me through.

fiona also had a busy day planned and struggled without juice she managed to find an innocent fruit smoothie which i later told her isnt allowed but she has done me proud again today so i'll let it slip. she also made up a new juice today which was really nice to arrive home to and i proceeded to drink quite quickly. (we will post the recipe soon).

all in all a good day we both feel fine havent had to many cravings and have steered away from temptation even when my friend came home with an indian takeaway which smelt amaizing but i watched them eat while still packing stuff into boxes and honestly didnt really feel the need to eat.

we weighed and measured ourselves the night before we started out fast and as tomorrow is day 3 we are going to do the same to keep an eye on our results (will be interesting) hopefully we will be impressed. im even concidering extending my fast past the 7 days if everthing goes as well as it has been not sure about fiona though but we'll see shes been enjoying it a bit more today as shes found juices she likes so hopefully it will give her a little motiovation to continue onto a 10 day fast.

anyway thanks for reading hope you are all doing well with your fasts let me know if you have any juice tips or come say hi if you need any support im sure we will be here for atleast teh next 5 day good luck to you all !!!

col & fi

Posts: 1207
Re: Day 2 of our first ever fast
on: August 8, 2013, 03:26

Naked juice is okay for a quick grab if you're out of options but don't get used to relying on it. I experimented and went on a 5 day fast with nothing but naked juice and store bought Fresh N Easy brand natural green juices. It was not a good experience compared to the normal make it your self juice fasts that I usually do.

It's very taxing to juice and do physical work during the first few days. Make sure you drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep. Sleep plays an important part of the weight loss process.

Congrats on steering clear of eating with all of those temptations today. It takes strong will and determination to do that. You two are doing great! I'm looking forward to your weigh ins tomorrow and your results after a full 7 days.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 8
Re: Our first juice fast Day 2 and onwards !!
on: August 8, 2013, 19:37

Day 3 ! The first weigh in

Ok so on moday 5th of August we attended fionas mums birthday meal and had been eating as normal all day. After arriving home that evening we prepared ourselves for the 7 day juice fast to begin the following morning (tues 6th aug). Our preperation involved getting the new juicer ready, checking we had all the ingredients and also making a note of our weight (which we did using my Nintendo WII Fit as we dont have scales)and measurements using a tape measure.

Colin's Stats(im 5ft 11")

Weight: 213 lbs Chest: 44" Waist: 42" Hips: 42.5" Arms: 14.5" Thighs: 25.5"

Colins Day 3 stats
Weight: 202 lbs Chest: 42.5" Waist: 39.5" Hips: 41" Arms: 13.5" Thighs: 25.5"

So to summaries i have lost so far 11 lbs weight, 1.5" off chest, 2.5" off waist, 1.5" hips, 1" off arms and my thighs are the same (not much on them to atart with). All in all i am very pleased with these inital results i know alot of it will down to losing water as i am constantly going to the toilet to pee and also i know the first weigh in stats were after a day of eating and drinking at a birthday meal.

Fiona's Stats (she's 5ft 3")

Weight: 181 lbs Chest: 44" Waist: 36.5" Hips: 45" Arms: 11" Thighs: 27.75"

Fiona's Day 3 Stats

Weight: 174 lbs Chest: 42.75" Waist: 34.5" Hips: 44.75" Arms: 10.75" Thighs: 27.5"

Fiona has lost 7 lbs, 1.75" off chest, 2" off waist, .25" off hips, .25" off arms and .25" off her thighs so as you can imagine a very incouraging start for us both and we are both pleased and im am very proud of fiona sticking with the fast as she has very little will power (self admitted).

Today as a whole has been good we are still juicing we have both had 3 today so far and maybe have 1 more after i finsh writing this. we have both been feeling full of energy although i have little lapses when i feel a bit drianed but still fighting through it. We are both constantly faced with the temptation of food when its our childs eating time but we both stay strong and support each other. Well thats all i have got for today hope you like my write up and that our stats help you feel strong and show you the worth of your juice fast.

Col & Fi

Posts: 1207
Re: Our first juice fast Day 2 and onwards !!
on: August 8, 2013, 23:23

Congrats on the spectacular results so far! Those are some really great numbers. I'm impressed with the dedication both of you have shown. Congrats!!!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 8
Re: Our first juice fast Day 2 and onwards !!
on: August 10, 2013, 23:19

Days 4 & 5

Had to combine the last 2 days into just one section me a fiona have been so busy that we havent had time to sit and write anything so im gonna keep it brief as its later here now.
all is going well we are still sticking to the fast and tryong new recipes. fiona made me a nice juice soup this evening and i look forward to having it again possibly tomorrow night. we have been busy decorating the house so not even had time to run to the supermarket to stock up on supplys so running very low right now got enough for a fruit breakfast drink so need to get to the store tomorrow. fiona is looking forward to tuesday when our fast is due to end however im still concidering extending my fast for a bit longer unfortunatley this will mean missing out on a famliy BBQ next saturday but i think i can manage without for now. thats about all i got for you tonight im wacked and need sleep so good luck all and keep juicin......

col & fi

Posts: 1207
Re: Our first juice fast Day 2 and onwards !!
on: August 11, 2013, 20:25

Turning a juice into a soup is such a good way to go. I really enjoy soups and have them often at dinner time. If you want to continue your fast that's great! There will always be more family BBQ's. Your health is what's important. Hope you have a terrific day!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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