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Author Topic: Day 6 of my fast!

Juice Expert
Posts: 33
Day 6 of my fast!
on: August 3, 2013, 18:59

On day 6!!! Weighed this morning and weighed in at 257... Original weight was 266. That MEANS I've lost 9 lbs. I'm really hoping it isn't my scale being weird or anything and lying to me. It's so hard for me to trust it. I think if I end up back at my mother's house I'm going to ask my step-dad if I can weigh on the scales out in the pecan shed. They are checked by the agricultural department (I think) for accuracy because they weigh out pecans that go out for sale so they HAVE to be accurate (he runs a 200 acre pecan orchard for the owners and lives on it) :) I wish I could have remembered yesterday though!!!

Yesterday was VERY difficult for me! I was up way earlier than usual and actually woke up LATE and had to make 3 juices to go to my moms house and spend the day with her, get paid, take her shopping, etc. Because we were running late my husband couldn't help me get our baby up, dressed, and in car. So I had to make 3 juices, clean up, wake him up, dress him, get in car, and GO. She lives 40 miles away. On my payday I usually don't buy much because my husband buys our groceries but I've been trying to buy my own produce etc... so I bought my own groceries... and along with my mom's groceries... my car was jam packed (Very tiny car.. Chevy Spark. We had groceries in floor boards, trunk area, between my sister and baby in the back seat!).

My mom insisted on cooking and got pushy about me eating but I said no. I went in my sister's room and worked on her computer and left with my last juice in hand to drink on the way home. When I told my mom I was actually losing weight she hushed. The only thing I didn't like was she kept making a big deal about wanting to go get my sister, son, and her and my step-dad lunch but didn't want me to take her. I don't like for people to think they have to change up what they're doing for me. I finally told her I NEEDED to learn how to have self-control and say no around food so YES I would be taking her to get them lunch. They got their lunch. I had my juice. All worked out.

Only thing that killed me was when I left my moms... I wanted a soda SO BAD!!! I had to run by my bank and really thought about getting a small one. But instead I went the BACK WAY to get back on the way home and didn't even PASS McDonalds where I would have got my soda so I drank my juice and got home.

This morning hit up my juice but ended up not drinking until getting out of pool. Parents had come over to go swimming.. so swam first. But my juice was nice and chilled after being in fridge while swimming (light swimming.. a few laps and then chilling out in shallow end). My mom got to see me making it and asked questions (nice that she takes interest) and said my kitchen smelled wonderful after I finished lol.

So excited about the continuous drop in weight I see on the scale. Just hope it's accurate. If it's not, I'm going to break it with a hammer 😀

Posts: 11
Re: Day 6 of my fast!
on: August 3, 2013, 19:09

First of all congratulations on your weight loss so far and congratulations for not stopping off to buy a soda. Well done. :-)

Whatever eating plan we are doing life sometimes gets in the way but you stayed strong. Maybe you can get your Mom into juicing too.


Juice Expert
Posts: 33
Re: Day 6 of my fast!
on: August 3, 2013, 19:41

Maybe so. Maybe if I do great and buy a fancier awesome juicer she can have mine and incorporate some juice into their lives.

Soda is very hard for me to give up so I'm quite proud that it's been days without one... I once said I'd give up food if I could just have soda. LOL. The only times I really crave one is when I'm out and about because it's so hot. I wanted one very bad when I went up to the college the other day to pay for school. Normally I'd stop off afterwards for a large 44 oz. cherry coke but again went the back way around so I couldn't see the store and get one. That was a feat in and of itself. :)

Thanks though. I hope your fast goes well for you!!!

Juice Expert
Posts: 32
Re: Day 6 of my fast!
on: August 3, 2013, 20:42

Day six just starting for me today, well done on the self control around your mum and the soda menace! Hope her interest continues, after all she doesn't have to juice cleanse, just make her a nice juice when she comes over and she'l probably be blown away with it's healthy deliciousness! Keep well!

Juice Expert
Posts: 33
Re: Day 6 of my fast!
on: August 4, 2013, 02:36

Thanks! :) Had a bad evening this evening. I wanted fast food so bad. Didn't help the television was on and commercials were killing me. I mean I no lie cussed "The Golden Girls" out for eating cheesecake. Watched "fat sick and nearly dead" for the first time this evening. I was blown away. Very much motivated again now!

Posts: 1207
Re: Day 6 of my fast!
on: August 4, 2013, 05:04

LOL, those poor Golden Girls... I can picture you cursing them for eating that cheesecake! Good move watching Joe Cross's documentary afterwards. I usually watch that or Food for Change when I need some inspiration.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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