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Author Topic: 7 day starting on Saturday

Posts: 9
7 day starting on Saturday
on: August 15, 2013, 07:38

Why Saturday? Because it ends Friday night and I love to go out for dinner on Friday. Whos with me? My goal is to lose 30 lbs and keep it off. I sit at a computer all day so that's 9 hours of sitting.

I'm at 180 lbs and need to be 150 5'5 male. Whenever I'm single I weigh 150 but once I'm in a relationship I pack on the lbs. Thankfully my gf is supportive and will do whatever it takes to make me happy.

My plan is to do a 7 day cleanse and follow a strict low cal diet and move 3 miles everyday.

Will update with progress

Posts: 1207
Re: 7 day starting on Saturday
on: August 15, 2013, 15:52

Rich, it sounds like you have a great plan in place. I'll be here to help you in any way I can. When I started my first fast I was in the same position. I was in front of the computer all day, every day. My job consisted of design and development so I know all about having to be in front of the computer all day.

It's great to have support while you go on a juice fast. It really helps! I'm looking forward to your updates Rich. I'm always here if you have any questions.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 6
Re: 7 day starting on Saturday
on: August 17, 2013, 18:25

I am starting tomorrow... I am eager to start, but anxious because I love food.

Good luck, Rich. I will watch for updates!

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