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Author Topic: 60 day juice fast

Juice Expert
Posts: 29
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 17, 2013, 15:31

Day 5 and I am so happy because I got on scale this morning and I have lost 5 pounds. I must admit that I am having alot of food cravings. I just have to stay focused on my goal and I know I can do this. Good luck to everyone and stay strong.

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 17, 2013, 19:00

Debi that's awesome! Congratulations! The cravings will come and go, and the want for juice will only increase. Keep up what you're doing as it sounds like you're doing really good! You can do this!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Juice Expert
Posts: 29
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 17, 2013, 20:02

I just read that you are supposed to remove the peel from ginger. I have been juicing them as is and leaving the peel on. Is it okay to do this or will the peel make me sick?

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 18, 2013, 00:16

Debi, I never remove the peel when I juice. Since you've been juicing them with the peel on, are you feeling sick at all? If not, I wouldn't worry so much about it. Just give it a good clean before you put it through the juicer and you should be good. Remember, you aren't eating the peel you're juicing it.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Juice Professional
Posts: 70
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 19, 2013, 15:04

You all are doing great, hang in there. It does get better. I am on day 14 and have lost 14 pounds and have never felt better. Don't think long term, just take it one day at a does get better!

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 02:40

Grats on 14 days and 14 pounds Corpusmae! Take it one day and one juice at a time!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 14
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 17:57

Day One- attempt 5. I like the juices but feel so hungry. Is it OK to add shitaki noodles for some bulk. They have no calories and are only finer? I seem to do OK until about 7 PM but then blow it. Am thinking about going to bed to stay away from food. I know that I drink enough juice and water. Any suggestions.

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 18:16

Aggie, you have to stay just on the juice for it to work. Let me go into detail what is happening.

Hunger is how your body tells you it NEEDS more nutrients. When you're on the juice you are getting over loaded on nutrients and that's a good thing. You're body recognizes this and turns off the hunger signal.

Come 7 pm your cravings come into play. Cravings are your mind telling you to eat out of habit based on how you ate prior to the juice fast. If you sat down and had a snack or looked forward to a big dinner everyday come 7 pm this will happen and you have to have the willpower to deny this craving.

It's not hunger you're experiencing, it's strong cravings. Cravings are usually mistaken for hunger when on a juice fast.

Think of it like this, if a doctor told you that you had to drink nothing but juice for 3 days you would find the willpower to do it. It's willpower Aggie, you can do this and overcome those cravings. It's very hard at first but everything worthwhile is. Just tell yourself that you WILL do this for 3 days, and nothing will stop you! You will go back to eating solids again, just make it a point to go 3 days of just juice and you'll see and feel the benefits. You CAN do this Aggie! I'm here for you!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 14
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 18:53

Thanks I have to loose 65 pounds. I cannot seem to get enough willpower to just do the juice. So this time with your support I will try to get through a day at a time. I actually like the juice. I do a wide variety of vegetables- mostly green with a small amount of fruit. I am sure that I am getting enough nutrients, but feel very hungry.- I know that they must be cravings.
Today I will just have extra juice if I cannot make it in the evening. I cannot believe that I have so little willpower.

Posts: 12
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 19:54

Aggie - Are you starting today with the juicing diet? I'm on day 16 and I can't believe that I'm still on it. I am pulling for you to complete today a victor over cravings!!! You can do it. If you're hungry, try drinking more often and drink smaller portions. Just post what you think your #1 obstacle is and we will be glad to chime in.

Posts: 14
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 22:01

My problem is mind games I play with myself. I start out great and enthusiastic each morning, but by late afternoon I have convinced myself that I should have a vegetable stir fry or some fruit. Or my daughter cooks something yummy smelling and I can just try a bite. It is crazy because I actually like the juices. I put in a huge assortment of veggies and a small amount of fruit. Fruit really spikes my cravings. I cannot put very much in my juice.
I am going to try to drink more juice more often- especially in the afternoon.
I keep trying to juice (5th attempt) but have never made it through the day. Today is day 1 of my cleanse. I will succeed today!!

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 22:38

Aggie, how do you convince yourself that you need to eat something? Remember, your need to eat, isn't a need to eat, it's a need to get vitamins and nutrients. You'll get the most out of having a juice. You'll get this under control. I'm confident that you can do it.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Juice Professional
Posts: 70
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 20, 2013, 23:48

Yes Aggie, you are stronger than you think. WooHoo goldie, day 16 glad you are there, great to have someone who is ahead of me. Your response gave me encouragement. Please keep posting- it sure helps and i am so glad that everyone is posting more often. Really does keep you going. Have started incorporating exercise and it really helps. Thanks everyone for all your support, Aggie you do feel so much better afterwards! You can do it!!!

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 01:20

So how did everyone do on day 1? I hope you all had a fantastic day! I'd love to hear how your day turned out.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 14
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 01:43

I think that I have finally succeeded in making it through Day One. This is my 6th attempt and so far I am good. Feeling achey and a bit queazy but am looking forward to finally trying day 2. Going to bed to cut my losses and boost my chances of success.

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 01:51

Awesome Aggie! I knew you could do this! You're a third of the way through it already! The hard part is done, you've gone a full day on juice. Just rinse and repeat for the next two days! Just remember to oust those cravings when then enter your thoughts. You don't need them, you need the juice! Congrats Aggie, you're well on your way to a successful juice fast!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 12
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 13:34

JOJ- Over the past 16 days I have one day eaten 1 almond and on 1 day ate half a banana. Does that mean that I broke the fast according to the benefits my body is suppose to experience?

Posts: 14
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 13:43

WOW!! I made it through day 1. Just 59 to go. The support is definitely helping. Definitely having toxic symptoms but will power through.
Weighed myself this morning to see where I was at and found out my scale has broken. So I will get a new one today and start fresh.
I have a masticating juicer that works incredible but I get quite a bit of sludge in the juice. Is it OK to have this or should I be straining my juice? I am sure it is just pulp but when I drink my juice with a straw there is about 2 tablespoons of it at the bottom of my sealer. I have 2 different sieves for my juicer. One allows more pulp. I like the pulp but do not want to set myself up for failure if I shouldn't be having it.

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 16:35

Aggie, that is excellent! Congratulations!!! Don't get too caught up in weighing yourself. I'd hit the scale every few days but not every day as your weight will fluctuate daily. If you do weigh yourself. Make sure it's the same time every day. The best times to do this are in the morning after you've used the restroom but before you have your first juice, or before your last drink of the night.

As far as sludge in your juices, you definitely want to strain that out of there.

Your goal for now should be to replicate day 1. You made it through a whole day of juicing, now just continue that and it gets so much easier. I'm proud of you Aggie, you did it! Now you just have to aim for your goal and hit it!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 14
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 17:00

I carry most of my weight on my stomach. I look like a very pregnant grandma. I have just been juicing using a wide variety of vegetables- mostly green and then an assortment of colours.
Are there certain vegetables that I can target to loose this belly fat?

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 21, 2013, 21:27

Aggie, I carried a lot of weight in my stomach but you start to lose weight from the top down. It will be noticeable in your face first. Just a lot of spinach, but don't do huge amounts in every drink. Believe it or not, too much spinach will dehydrate you. But spinach is excellent at ridding excess water weight. Just keep juicing and the belly fat will start to fall off.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Juice Professional
Posts: 70
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 22, 2013, 02:16

Good evening, glad you all are here. Just got back from a funeral service for a 24 year old parent of one of my sad...anyways today I had a juice that I found out later had soy milk, didn't check it as someone told me it was just cleansing juice, thought it tasted different and wreaked havoc with my stomach...I was in the bathroom on and off. I had not had any pain whatsoever and this did it. Anyway I feel bloated and didn't drink that much but I just got hone and it's 9:12 pm and will probably do a little juice as I am hungry even though I don't feel that well. JOJ any thoughts on this as far as side effects since I have just been on vegetables.This is day 16 for me and still have not eaten a single thing so I wonder what will happen when I start eating again. So I am going to go and juice a small amount and go to bed...Back on it tomorrow...have a luncheon but will get through it somehow. You are right about how the weight comes off, my face has gotten smaller and my pants are getting loose...and yes your weight will fluctuate so I am just going by my clothes sizes. Bloodwork on Friday to see how I am doing. Glad you all are doing well-keep it is worth it!

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 22, 2013, 02:46

Corpusmae, sorry to hear about the funeral. I wouldn't worry too much about the drink you had. It's not like you sat down, inhaled a double whopper, and polished it off with a banana split and a glass of soda. You're doing great. Just keep juicing and reap the benefits. That little bit you drank won't have any effect on your fast this being 16 days in.

Isn't it amazing how fast the weight comes off? I had to go buy new clothes after a week and a half, and then I had to go buy new clothes again less than 2 weeks after that.

I'm interested to see how your blood work comes back. I had convinced my mother to do a juice fast and after a month she had to go get a check up and the doctor was amazed at how healthy she was. She had a whopping zero cholesterol and the doctor couldn't believe it. Her blood pressure was also down to normal levels. So let us know how amazed your doctor is when he sees your results.

Keep it up, you are doing so good with your juice fast!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 14
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 22, 2013, 03:28

New record for me. Actually made it through day 2!!!. It was actually easier today than yesterday. I think that it is the support. Thank you

Posts: 1207
Re: 60 day juice fast
on: May 22, 2013, 06:05

Aggie, that's great news! Congrats for making it through day 2! The support does help but its your willpower that got you through. You're a lot stronger than you thought! Keep it up, you're well on your way to completing a successful juice fast!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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