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Author Topic: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??

Posts: 2
3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 5, 2013, 05:14

Hello I am new to juicing and wanted to do the 3 day juicing on Tuesday. I was just wondering if anybody else out there was going to start on that day so we can keep each other motivated!! I could use all the help I can get.. 😕

Posts: 1207
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 5, 2013, 05:42

Mindy, welcome to JOJ! I may be starting again on Wednesday. I'll keep you posted. I'll be here if you have any questions.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 2
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 6, 2013, 06:38


Posts: 4
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 6, 2013, 13:17

I found this site last week, and started mine today. Ummmmm its hard so far. :-) The first hot lemon and water, fine. Then the breakfast juice for the 3 day....I don't like the foamy stuff on top. I used the bag to help collect the left over stuff but not sure how to help keep more of the foam out of my drink on the other side. Suggestions? I am very much a texture person and this is making me want to vomit. On a side note though, I was/am looking very much forward to seeing how this will help with energy, cleaning out the system and some weight loss. I have already lost 200lbs the last couple years but with some female health issues over the last 1.5 years I have now put 20 back on and energy level is way low. Since this is natural, thinking it might be something to try.

Posts: 4
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 6, 2013, 13:18

Another question......does it have to be water in between or can I still have some tea or here is a big one....a cup of coffee a day? :-)

Posts: 1207
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 6, 2013, 14:37

Sweetness, you can scoop out the foam on the top. I have a foam remover cup that removes it when I pour. You can also strain your juice through cheesecloth if you want to get rid of the foam or scoop it out with a spoon. Congrats on your weight loss so far! That's an amazing accomplishment!

You can have tea if you like but still keep a good amount of water intake daily. No coffee, sorry!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 8
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 6, 2013, 17:06

is that tea with milk???? i'm not getting excited lol

Posts: 4
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 6, 2013, 17:26

Thanks JOJ. I have a hard time with no coffee, so we will see how I can hold off. :-)I did start putting a coffee filter over the cup before I pour, limits how much juice in the cup, but atleast its less of the foamy kind. I have had 2 now and drinking water and I am soooo hungry. Hope tomorrow is better. :-) lol

Posts: 1207
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 6, 2013, 17:31

If you're hungry have a juice. Listen to your body and it will do amazing things for you.

Just understand the difference between hunger and cravings. Hunger is when your body is telling you that it needs nutrients and cravings are when your mind is telling you to eat out of habit, boredom, or for the pure enjoyment and taste of eating. When you have a juice you are loading your body up with nutrients, so the hunger will stop when you have a juice.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 4
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 7, 2013, 15:00

So I gave in and ate some fresh lettuce last night. :-) BUT I don't feel bad. I have already lost so much on my own, and I have a lot of health stuff that I am going though so its just how it is. BUT I am happy to say I still lost 5 POUNDS in one day. Is that normal??

Posts: 1207
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 7, 2013, 15:27

That's about normal for the first day or two. Wish you would keep up with the fast though as you're already showing great results.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Juice Professional
Posts: 50
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 8, 2013, 17:09

Hi Donnie, do they sell the foam remover cup separately somewhere, or do they just come with certain juicers?

Here's my update: Hubby and I started last Tuesday the 30th, so this is day 10 and we have each lost 13.5 lbs. Clothes are feeling looser, sleeping better. I'm setting my goals in 5% increments. Just lost first 5% of my body weight and very encouraged for the future!

Posts: 1207
Re: 3 Day starting Aug. 6 anybody else??
on: August 8, 2013, 18:52

Sometimes they will come with certain juicers but you can order them separately if you like. I couldn't find one on amazon so I'll link you to the one at Breville.

Congrats on day 10 and 13.5 pounds lost by each of you!!! That's really terrific! You're both doing so well, it's always encouraging and motivating to see others succeed with their fasts!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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