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Author Topic: 10-Day Juice Fast

Posts: 2
10-Day Juice Fast
on: July 19, 2013, 15:04

Today is the day...I've started my 10-day juice fast. I had my morning juice of 1 apple, 2 pears, and a little ginger. It tasted really good! I'm starting out at 183lb (5'4" tall). My ultimate goal is to drop about 45-50 pounds but my goal for this fast is to reset my body and get a jump start on my weight loss. Let me back-track. Before I got married I lost about 20 pounds and got myself down to 150. That fall hit and I became sedentary and gained about 25 pounds over the winter. I tried to lose weight again while my husband was deployed and made it down to 168 when he came home. Then I got pregnant and lost a few pounds during the morning sickness period but rebounded up to 217 by the time I gave birth last 1 August. After 54 hours of labor they had pumped a significant amount of fluid in me and I left the hospital at the same 217 I went in as...Sans 9-lb baby! Fortunately, I lost about 45 pounds in 3 weeks and was almost down to my pre-pregnancy weight. Out of exhaustion, busyness with a new baby, and job stress I gained weight again and wound up around where I'm currently at...183. I just stopped nursing a few weeks ago and I really want to get started losing weight before the baby turns 1 here in less than 2 weeks. I'll be following the meal plan in the book Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Thank you all in advance for your support and I hope some of you join me!

Posts: 1207
Re: 10-Day Juice Fast
on: July 19, 2013, 15:58

Aelovan, welcome to JOJ and congrats on starting your 10 day fast! I'm sure if you stick with it you'll lose a considerable amount of weight and feel really good. Just stay focused on your goals and don't let anything stop you from reaching them. I'm currently juicing so I'll be juicing with you. I will be here if you have any questions Aelovan.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 2
Re: 10-Day Juice Fast
on: July 19, 2013, 16:04

Thank you, JOJ! I really appreciate the support!

Posts: 1207
Re: 10-Day Juice Fast
on: July 19, 2013, 16:11

You're very welcome Aelovan!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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