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Author Topic: Why coffee is not allowed? This is the only reason I cannot do juice fast cuz I have to give up coffee

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Why coffee is not allowed? This is the only reason I cannot do juice fast cuz I have to give up coffee
on: October 26, 2013, 03:14

Posts: 209
Re: Why coffee is not allowed? This is the only reason I cannot do juice fast cuz I have to give up coffee
on: October 26, 2013, 17:04

the caffeine is an addictive drug and it does not aid in the detoxification process. when you juice detox, it is detoxing from everything including caffeine,sugar,salt,alcohol,processed and junk foods,etc.

when you juice, it gives you energy and you are trying to break the,''i have to have coffee to wake up''.

you can have decaf with stevia raw real sugar but no cream. if you can't give up coffee, don't do a juice fast, just eat fruits and vegetables as a fast. i have had friends do that with a lot of success.

here is what experts say about coffee:

NO! You want to stay away from caffeine and coffee altogether while on the juice fast. It’s important to eat/drink just the juice you make while on the fast to ensure you’re not taking in any toxins that you’re trying to rid your body of.

any more questions, let me know,andy

Posts: 1
Re: Why coffee is not allowed? This is the only reason I cannot do juice fast cuz I have to give up coffee
on: February 16, 2016, 21:14 coffee at all?

Juice Expert
Posts: 47
Re: Why coffee is not allowed? This is the only reason I cannot do juice fast cuz I have to give up coffee
on: June 4, 2016, 06:05

You should not consume coffee as it contains caffeine which is addictive in nature. Once a person gets addicted to caffeine he cannot focus on his health. He simply cannot become healthy without getting rid of every addiction. I prefer juice for good health, especially organic noni juice. It is best among all other fruit juices which I have tried for losing weight.

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