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Author Topic: What can be juiced on a juice fast

Posts: 1
What can be juiced on a juice fast
on: April 19, 2015, 14:48

I need to give my digestive system as much of a break as possible, as I am aiming for deal internal healing over the next month or so.

I understand that any fruit or vegetable juice is fine, along with water and herbal tea.

What about seed milks (e.g. homemade hemp or sunflower milk with sprouted seeds)? If properly strained, this is still liquid, does it prevent complete rest of the digestive system, unlike juices?

Same question about adding a few drops of unrefined seed oil to each glass of juice, which is supposed to enhance nutrient absorption, but does it also tax the digestive system?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Posts: 1
Re: What can be juiced on a juice fast
on: May 27, 2015, 08:22

Just Google it. There are many juicing recipes over the Internet. If you need any advice on a masticating juicer, you may check, where you can find a lot of cold press juicers reviews.

Posts: 2
Re: What can be juiced on a juice fast
on: November 14, 2015, 20:08

Can I add avocado to my juices while doing the 3 day cleanse? I feel the fat from a wedge of the avocado would satiate me more and head off cravings.

Juice Professional
Posts: 54
Re: What can be juiced on a juice fast
on: November 19, 2015, 10:22

Hello Tiffany 101

I have been on this forum a few times now. It is extremely quite, not sure why? You may need to seek else where for your answer, because I am pretty new at the juicing thing myself. I do agree the avocado properly would satiate you, but I think it depends on what cleanse you are doing. The juice cleanse, I believe is all juice, like their is no fibre. So it gives your body time to rest from digestion.This rest from digestion gives the body the opportunity to heal faster or something like that. I am pretty sure you would still get a pretty good cleanse if you add the avocado. I have done a juice/ smoothie cleanse and added ground chia seeds to the juice, and that helped a bit with feeling full . But it does have fibre. Hope this help a little.

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