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Author Topic: What about coffee, otc juices, and vodka?

Posts: 3
What about coffee, otc juices, and vodka?
on: October 24, 2013, 03:28

So, I have a variety of questions tonight. I am trying to get all of my ducks in a row before I here we go.

1. How does coffee with low fat creamer affect the diet? I have learned that drinking something hot in the morning helps (of course I know green tea is best), but does coffee with the lowfat creamer mess up things?

2. Also, what do you guys think about the pre-made juices you can buy at the store? For example the brand Naked, in which they do add in proteins, or fiber, and/or vitamins?

3. One last crazy question- Can you add vodka to the juice for a weekend treat?

Thank you for reading and posting :)

Posts: 209
Re: What about coffee, otc juices, and vodka?
on: October 24, 2013, 23:30

hello kp,

you can only have decaffeinated coffee with NO CREAM and stevia as a sweeter as it is natural. you can't have caffeine,sugar,or alcohol. it is better to have decaf tea or hot water and juiced lemon. you can't have any over the counter juices at all. they have added stuff to it. lol about the vodka.


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