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Author Topic: Things Ive learnt so far....

Posts: 6
Things Ive learnt so far....
on: February 13, 2014, 20:22

Mixing the 'leftovers' of earlier in the day juice with the new juice is fine as long as one isnt green and the other orange/red - ends up looking like mud (or worse )

If juicing a pineapple, do it last as it tends to leave a bit of a gungy mess which clogs the exit area of my juicer - anything else is pretty dry just something about pineapples.

Celery still tastes awful even when juiced

Ginger is the secret to adding a little pep and flavour to bland cucumber juice - in fact ginger is great in most drinks

Ginger and Limes are a juicers friend

Its gonna cost about £3 to get a tablespoon of juice from rocket - much as I love the stuff, its not worth it

Juicing is great if you have a compost bin - lots of green waste going in there

Im thinking of adding a few chillies to some juice next week but buying hot chillies is a bit hit & miss in UK supermarkets. I had some Scotch Bonnet chillies the other week that were no stronger than a green pepper - might just put some chilli flakes in a makeshift tea bag and plonk it in to see if it has an impact - anyone tried to juice chillies ?

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