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Author Topic: Started Juicing Today will I become sick?

Posts: 1
Started Juicing Today will I become sick?
on: August 27, 2013, 17:54

I live a pretty healthy and fit lifestyle. I have been weight training since I was in high school. I am 45 yrs old and I eat brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, fish, chicken, peanut butter, almond butter etc... however there is always an obstacle when attempting to achieve my fitness goal. I decided to try the juicing way to lose at least 10 pounds. However should I know anything else other than the veggies and fruits to juice for 7 days. For example will i become sick when i commence to juice? I really do not see this mentioned in this website and it is a phenomenal website but I have some

Posts: 209
Re: Started Juicing Today will I become sick?
on: August 27, 2013, 19:26

hello madeline,

i am on my 15 day and i have lost 17 pounds. i never got sick. i had diarrhea the first couple days which was my body flushing the junk out of my system. you may(which i did not) get headaches, especially if you drink coffee because you can't drink coffee or alcohol on a juice fast. since you eat very healthy, you should have less problems than me. good luck and let us know how you are doing and if you have any questions, send me a message.


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