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Author Topic: Ready to be toxin free and healthy!

Posts: 1
Ready to be toxin free and healthy!
on: August 14, 2013, 17:30

Hello there, I'm a 25y old wife and mother of one. My story probably isn't all that different from most of you. Ever since I had my son I have always had extra weight...I gained 50lbs with him...and after I got married I gained even more. Putting me at 220lbs...YUCK! One morning I said "I've had enough!" So I did the whole low fat, restricted calorie diet..and I lost 80lbs. YAY! But, I ate almost no veggie's, I smoked, skipped meals and when I did eat it was mostly processed "diet food". Well after a while our family moved. My husband and I both stopped smoking, it's been 3 years for both of us. YAY! But, I gained some weight back...which okay..a little extra weight is better than getting lung cancer, or heart disease which runs in my family tree along with breast cancer. I don't want to die young. I don't want to leave my son with out a mother. I have no idea what my current blood work would show but I know its not good. I have made better choice in foods. Like getting more veggies and buying organic and growing as much of my own food as I can in the little space my yard offers. But, I am a butter loving, sugar craving, chocoholic.... :( shame :( After watching many documentaries including "Fat, Sick, And nearly Dead" I am sure this is the right way to clean out all that bad $hit I have been eating my whole life to make way for home grown organic goodness. I have ordered my juicer already (Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Juice Extractor Powerful 800 Watt Motor) and it should be here friday :) I am going to work juices into my son and husbands solid diet as well. Since they can't cook for them self's they are going to get healthy weather they like it or not.. 😉 lol My husband is all for living a holistic lifestyle..I think its up to me to get us started. I feels its my job as a good mother and wife to do this for my family and my self. Well on all that after watching said movies, I found this site and loved how it made starting out so easy. I love to cook and have been looking through all the recipes and they all sound amazing! Which is great that there are so many since I get bored with the same things where food is concerned. Big picture I want to be healthy, and I want my family healthy. I am planning on doing the 7 day juice fast and maybe even go for 10 depending on how I feel. After which I plan on adopting a whole foods diet.

For right now I only have one question. Would it be okay to take Spirulina tablets or powder while I am on the fast? Thanks for any answers and good luck to everyone else starting out. :)

Posts: 1207
Re: Ready to be toxin free and healthy!
on: August 14, 2013, 21:36

Lacey, welcome to JOJ and congrats on making the decision for you and your family to get on the track of being and living healthy. You're efforts will be rewarded if you stick with it. Since you like to cook and experiment with different flavors I'm sure you will enjoy juicing and all the different combinations you can come up with. You can even warm up your juices and enjoy them as a soup. So have fun and remember, I'm here if you have any questions Lacey.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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