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Author Topic: Organic Produce or not?

Posts: 15
Organic Produce or not?
on: October 29, 2013, 16:32

Hey Everyone

i am planning on starting a juice fast very soon to clear up urinary tract issues from 3 years ago,still have niggling symptoms, my root cause diagnosed by my naturopath is backed up waste in small intestine so juicing should be fun to get rid of this!

anyway i was wondering if everyone is using organic produce? i know its important too and i will be using organic after payday next month but for now im starting on non organic as its in my budget.

i have friends that have used supermarket produce and they have got rid of there cancer which is amazing..

just interested to see if anyone is using non organic produce and still getting results?


Juice Expert
Posts: 25
Re: Organic Produce or not?
on: October 30, 2013, 09:07

Hi Lee.
Lots of people use non organic products due to cost which is understandable.
The general advice is to wash produce before juicing and be more thorough with non organic. I cut out the areas where sprays could have pooled and left more residue, for example, the dip where the stalk joins the apple. Some people core the apples too but I don't personally bother with that.
Good luck.

Posts: 209
Re: Organic Produce or not?
on: October 30, 2013, 16:14

gary is right! i can afford organic but why? i would do it with meats but vegetables, scrub like gary said. all of my produce departments throw away their organic stuff everyday and i used to be a produce manager and it was pointless keeping it in stock in good ole georgia but Californian's eat it up. the price is way too much and like gary said, scrubbing is the best way! thanks gary for putting your 2 cents in! it is nice to have other people on here with good suggestions instead of just saying what the health department says.

Posts: 1207
Re: Organic Produce or not?
on: October 30, 2013, 16:29

Remember everyone, organic produce also uses sprays and pesticides. There are over 20 "chemicals" commonly used in the growing and processing of organic crops that are approved by the US Organic Standards. Interestingly enough, the actual volume usage of pesticides on organic farms is not recorded by the government.

Here's an interesting article to read on organic produce:

Now, I'm not trying to bash organics and I feel it's important to support your local farmers. Just wanted to throw that out there.

There are certain things I prefer to buy organic when I can but price and convenience play a factor in it too. If I can't get out to the farmers market I usually end up going with conventional produce instead of organic.

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