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Author Topic: Organic or non-Organic

Posts: 11
Organic or non-Organic
on: July 23, 2013, 14:35

Hi, everyone I know it will be better to use Organic fruit and veg for a juicing diet. I would like to know will it be OK to use non-Organic as well?.

Organic fruit and veg from my local supermarkets are quite expensive and a lot smaller in size comparison. Me and my partner will be juicing so this is going to be a bit costly. I am going to visit local farms and see if I can buy Organic cheaper.

Working out how much we are going to need per day, and thinking about the weekly shop is worrying me.

If we are going to be having 6 servings each per day, how much fruit and veg are we going to need per serving ?

This would be some of the fruit and veg we want to use -
Apples Kale
Cucumbers Carrots
Celery Spinach
Lemon Broccoli

What would be best, when dividing the amount per serving when using apples and cucumbers etc. Is it best to use 1 whole Cucumber per person or cut it in half ?

I have seen and read the shopping list for the 7 and 14 day juice fast plan. I will use this to help us when we first start.

Posts: 1207
Re: Organic or non-Organic
on: July 23, 2013, 19:40

JF, it's perfectly fine to use non-organic produce. It's hard to tell what a serving will be. It's best to use the 3 day shopping list, price it out, and then figure out how much it will cost per serving. Also, you can use different recipes and come up with your own shopping list based on prices and what you like.

A serving is at least 16 ounces so it's hard to say 1 cucumber or 1 apple per serving. You would have to juice a few recipes and see how much your particular juicer yields to be able to come up with a proper serving size.

Let me know if you have questions.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

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