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Author Topic: Newbie with confusion

Posts: 23
Newbie with confusion
on: January 24, 2014, 08:14

Hi all,

My name is Chaz and I'm from the UK.

I have been juicing and exercising every other day since January 6th 2014 now day 19.

My start weight 345Lbs :( my weight as of today 320Lbs :)

My problem is that I weighed in today and I'm 2Lbs heavier than last week 😕

I bike and/or walk every other day and not a morsel of solid food has passed my lips since January 5th.

I'm juicing 5 times a day with 18oz each juice with the recommend 80% vegetables and 20% fruit.

I feel a tad disappointed and I understand there maybe be a plateau period and I'm hoping this is it.

Is this normal? If not, what am I doing wrong?

Guys I know I'm contacting you from the UK but I guess we're all going through the same plight. Would love to hear from anyone to say hi and maybe give me some advice :)

Cheers guys and kind regards

Chaz 😡 😕

Posts: 6
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: January 24, 2014, 12:08

Hi chaz 😮 it's great to see someone is doing this long term I to am doing this long term it's only day 4 for me but I'm starting out at 243 lbs I live in kansas USA it is nice to meet you Larrie

Posts: 23
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: January 24, 2014, 16:51

Hey Larrie,

Nice make your acquaintance :) Good luck to you on your journey and make sure you hang in there. I found my first week quite tough but now its a breeze :) I'm feeling better all round, more energy and sleeping so much better. Not too sure how long I am going to go for on this juicing, I'm thinking 40. If I get there and feel ok I'm gonna push further on (from small acorns mighty oaks grow) :) In my case shrink though:)

Posts: 23
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: January 25, 2014, 15:16

Anybody have any answers to my queries?

Posts: 19
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: January 26, 2014, 00:30

Hey Chaz,

Firstly congratulations on your 25 lb loss!! That's excellent! I'd love to hear what more knowledgable people have to say about this, sorry, but you are living my worst nightmare! I've thought about that happening, all that work and nothing, I can imaging how frustrating that must be. I have been on the diet roller coaster all my adult life, my only suggestions would be: give it some time, a 25 lb loss is a lot in a short period of time, it could be your body getting accustomed to it. If it keeps going on then I'd suggest you change something. You could try a a different exercise, or change the time of day you're doing it. I've heard switching up what you're doing helps. If you don't mind going more extreme you could do a master cleanse for 2-3 days to kick start your body back into the momentum. (It's pretty much just drinking a lemonade made from water, 1/2 lemon, cayenne, and a bit of maple syrup.) Google it. You'd only drink this for 2-30 days. Personally, i wouldn't do it too long, just long enough to see the scales moving again. Let me know if you try it. And like I said before, I'd love to hear what others have to say about chaz's dilemma . Best of luck, you're doing great!

Posts: 23
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: January 26, 2014, 10:21

Hey Jasmine,

Thank you very much your input and feed back and your kind words :)but drum roll ................ my 6 day plateau ended when I jumped on the scales this morning :) I have a lost including the 2 lb increase a total of 8 Ibs putting me at a total of 33 Ibs down in 22 days :) I so, so needed that loss as you start to think what the hell am I doing on this if I'm not pulling down the figures. I feel rejuvenated today I had a great sleep, I've got good colour in my face and its just what I needed to push on :)I'm guessing there will be more plateaus along the way but I'm thinking I maybe needed that plateau as its tested my resolve. I will clock in again to let you all know how I'm doing and good luck to everyone else.

Todays Weight: 312 Ibs 😡

Posts: 19
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: January 28, 2014, 09:40

Chaz, so great to hear!!! Yay!!! You know you are giving inspiration to us all:) Congrats!

I just finished my first week, 13.8lbs down! Hey, question, even after your 5th day or so, did you feel weak? I find even lifting my arms to be exhausting, and I've gotten so lightheaded at times I feel like I'm going to pass out. Exercising is out of the question as that just intensifies it. If I was reading this, my advice would be to drink more juice, however I'm not hungry at all, just weak. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

Posts: 23
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: January 28, 2014, 16:49

Hey Jasmine,

Thanks very much for your nice comments :)

Well done on you 13.8 Ibs is some great going, just keep chipping away :)

When I started my juicing fast I found the first 6-7 days hard to be honest. I had a poor diet with a busy life and drank a whole lot of coffee and quick snacks. I had periods where I just felt totally zapped but what I did then was have a kip or another maybe smaller juice. I drink a lot of water probably around 4 - 5 pints a day , are you drinking enough and are you skipping shakes?? I have the odd time where I feel I don't need a juice but I still drink it, I just slurp away over an hour or two. If I can offer any advice - it does (in my case anyway) get easier :) Stick with it, slowly, slowly wins the race :) Have all your quota of juice it will help balance you out :) Good luck Jasmine and stay in touch :)

Posts: 19
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: February 3, 2014, 21:10

Thanks Chaz:) BTW, what's a kip?

Posts: 23
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: February 4, 2014, 16:42

Hi Jasmin,

Kip.............. where I come from means a short sleep lol cat nap, shut eye etc :)


Posts: 1
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: February 5, 2014, 09:04

Hi, and congrats on the great job. From a person who lost a lot of weight 90lbs I understand how you feel. I went thru the same thing. Your body get stronger and muscle weights more then fat. If you weighted yourself after a hard workout or if your muscle are sore it is swollen = water weight. So, keep up the good work, don't let it get you down. Change things up. Jasmin gave you good advice. I been doing the MC for 10 days and now I am easing out with the juicing fast.

Posts: 1
Re: Newbie with confusion
on: February 6, 2014, 00:22

Hi, I think it's awesome...congradulations! I just started and after only 2 juices i cant keep them down, I am on day 2 but all i can stomach is lemon water, I do not want my body to go into starve mode but i am not sure whats going on with me.

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