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Author Topic: New to the forum. Could use some juice fast help.

Posts: 1
New to the forum. Could use some juice fast help.
on: December 4, 2014, 20:48

Hey there everyone. Looking for some tips on how I'm going to start my next juice fast. I did one before that lasted a month, and it went rather well. First week was hell, but after that I felt amazing. Since then, I had a drastic change in work and eating habits and lost my way. Now I have a new job with regular hours and have the time to start a new juice fast. Would like some tips on recipes.

Here's what I'm looking for: I would like to do potentially 3-4 juices in a day (prefer 3 due to my schedule). I would like to get all the proper nutrients and vitamins that one should have throughout the day. Honestly I would like to just get 3 optimal recipes that I can just have the same thing every day that will work. That being said, I hate the taste of almost every vegetable. Although it makes this hard, I can easily just choke them back and drink water afterwards to rinse the taste out of my mouth. After doing a 1 month juice fast before I think I am ready.

Posts: 11
Re: New to the forum. Could use some juice fast help.
on: December 9, 2014, 20:19

A little apple and beet go a long way when it comes to killing bitterness. I suggest putting a quarter of each into each juice, so you reduce the nasty nasty, but don't put too much sugar into the juice.
If you're looking for a juicer has a great selection at discounted prices.

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