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Author Topic: Looking for a Juicing Pro...

Posts: 2
Looking for a Juicing Pro...
on: January 23, 2014, 05:44

Hey ladies and gents :)

I'm looking to start juicing, however I have a bit of a unique situation…

I have Oral Allergy Syndrome, so I'm allergic to quite a few raw fruits, and vegetables. The vegetables I can generally deal with (the reaction isn't that bad. So they are fine!) , however a lot of fruits are a no no for me. Mainly apples (severe reaction!), pears, nectarines, peaches (really anything you bite into), kiwis, etc. I CAN eat oranges, bananas, grapes, mangos, and frozen fruits.

I was looking at doing a 7 day fast… however all the recipes I come across have apples! I was wondering if there was someone out there that I could correspond with the figure out a good plan for me to fit my unique needs :p

Please and thank you!

Posts: 19
Re: Looking for a Juicing Pro...
on: January 23, 2014, 17:34

Hey WannabeJuicer, I'm no pro, but you can sub out the apples (or any other offensive fruits) with something else. If grapes are ok, use those or melon. The apples in the recipes are usually there to add sweetness to your juice so subbing something else sweet would be a great replacement. See Donnie's substitution list here on the site:

Play around, and have fun. Juicing is just like cooking, add things here or there to suit your taste and preferences. Recipes don't have to be followed item for item, they're more like guidelines to get you started:) Hope the helps and best of luck!

Posts: 2
Re: Looking for a Juicing Pro...
on: January 23, 2014, 21:08

Oh wow I did not see the substitution list before! That's exactly what I was looking for :) Thanks so much!

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