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Author Topic: Juicing On The Railroad

Posts: 2
Juicing On The Railroad
on: November 5, 2013, 22:52

Hello, I have started my 3rd day of a juicing fast today. So far so good but I have what might be a major dilemma. I am an engineer on the railroad and have no set schedule. When I leave for a trip, it takes me 6 - 12 hours to get to the hotel. I will be at the hotel for 12 - 24 hours, then for a return trip. So basically I am away from my juicer for 1.5 to 2 days.

My first trip, I juiced before I left and made another 8 servings. I put two into a metal thermos which I drank on my first trip. I put the rest in single serve mason jars, filled to the very top, and put on ice in a cooler. I then put them in the fridge at the hotel and the rest on ice for a return trip.

The last juice still tasted good, but my question is... is this too long? Am I basically drinking flavored water towards the end because of the loss of nutrients? Will this plan sustain my juicing fast?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions as I am looking forward to a future of juicing.

Posts: 2
Re: Juicing On The Railroad
on: November 6, 2013, 03:04

Also, my job requires me to "sleep on command" at times. Can melatonin be safely taken while on the fast?

Posts: 209
Re: Juicing On The Railroad
on: November 6, 2013, 04:44

hello cwhite2121,

i take melatonin every night so that is fine. you don't have the most advantageous job for juice fasting but like you said, the juice you are drinking at the end is basically flavored water and will not sustain your hunger and health. in your situation, i would suggest drinking some v8 juice or eat some fruits and vegetables during those times. after doing this for 3 months, i have no idea of what else you could do. if you can't bring your juicer, you are in a tight spot. low sugar juices and low sodium juices would be good.

pm donnie who is justonjuice here. he is the maker of this site and he may have a better option. if you need any more help, let me know.


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