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Author Topic: Juicing again..

Posts: 2
Juicing again..
on: July 25, 2013, 20:49

Hi guys..
I am going to start a juice cleanse soon (again).. My first one failed.
I did way too much exercise and my stomach felt like a train wreck. I had to eat something.. I felt like I was going to pass out. :(
I biked for over 20 miles (and I'm out of shape, so yeah..) and it was really bad. I guess I was just really excited and wanted to try to lose all the weight in one day, LOL
Anyway, I will try to start again and stick to it.
However, I have some questions..

1. How do you deal with temptation? For example, I went to the store on my second day.. I saw the snack line and my sister wanted a piece of pizza. I went and ordered a slice for her, and ended up caving in and ordering a slice for myself.. UGGGGHHHH. how do I resist the temptation?

2. When should I start to exercise? The first/second/third day, I feel really tired.. When do you think I can begin exercising without wearing myself out more than I already feel?

3. Do I really have to drink 80% veggies and 20% fruits? I made this really delicious juice (basing off of the Gung Ho Mango Juice) with Mango, Oranges, Blueberries, Strawberries, Carrots, Kale & Watermelon. It was delicious, and got my mind off of the kale. As long as I drink a mean green and some other recipes, too, is this OK? I don't think I can deal with 80/20... Wouldn't I still lose weight?

4. Do I have to start the day with the lemon juice? I can't stomach hot lemon juice.. I like plain water. Is this OK? I can heat up the water, too.. but do I have to put lemon?

Thanks for answering :)

Posts: 1207
Re: Juicing again..
on: July 25, 2013, 22:35

Welcome to JOJ Alfredo. If you want to resist the temptation, don't put yourself in a situation where temptation will get to you. The first few days the temptations will be the hardest but they go away after a while.

Don't exercise for the first few days. Just let the juice do it's work, and let your body recover. After a few days do light exercises, nothing excruciating.

You have to stick to the 80/20. If you drink mostly fruits you are loading up on too much sugar and that will affect your weight loss. If kale is too rough, replace it with spinach or romaine lettuce. Remember, if an ingredient doesn't sit well with you, find a replacement for it.

You don't have to do the lemon if you don't like. You can also drink it warm and not hot. It's really good to have the lemon water first thing in the morning Alfredo. But if you can't do it, no biggie.

I'm here if you have any more questions Alfredo. Keep me posted!

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