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Pages: 1
Author Topic: In need of guideance!!!!!!!

Posts: 1
In need of guideance!!!!!!!
on: April 10, 2014, 00:14

I am 21 years old with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Bipolar, and frequent headaches. I am extremely overweight. I am trying to eat a clean diet and I am starting this journey by juicing to try to get energy to finish nursing school. Today is my 16th day on a juice fast. I have several questions about what I am experiencing. I don't feel like I detoxed in the first few days like I have heard other people talking about. I had minor headaches,acne has exploded all over my body, and I threw up once. I have been constipated during this entire fast. Besides the items listed above I have felt fine until yesterday. I have been nauseous all the time for the past two days and had a headache and earache off and on for the past two days. Week 1 I lost 12 pounds and 19inches however week 2 I lost 4.4 pounds and 3 inches. Is this still good progress? Why am I feeling horrible now instead of the first few days? Why am I still unable to go on the bathroom on my own? Is this expected? I am very confused about whether I am doing this right......

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