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Author Topic: Having Juice in a normal life

Posts: 2
Having Juice in a normal life
on: October 26, 2013, 17:13

I am wondering if I were to drink a juice for breakfast/lunch then eat normal food for dinner would that work? As in I want to lose weight.

Posts: 209
Re: Having Juice in a normal life
on: October 27, 2013, 19:37

hey joel,

try to remember that juicing is not meant for weight loss primarily, it is for a detox, second is for healthier living, 3rd is to give your stomach a rest. the SIDE EFFECT of juicing is weight loss. you should not do with the mindset that you are going to lose a ton of weight doing this. most people do lose weight but that is not it's main purpose.

if you want to do a true juice fast, you have to juice only.
if you want to do a lesser of a detox, you can juice and eat fruits and vegetables.
if you want to get more healthy, you can add juicing to your meal regiment.

juicing helps train your taste buds to want fruits and vegetables instead of junk food and other bad things that as we get older, are bad for us.

you will lose the most weight by doing a juice fast but by eating regular meals, you are not giving your digestive system a rest and you are nor reaping all the benefits of juicing.

this is not a weight loss solution but if you want the most weight loss, you will need to do a real juice fast and not eat normal food. that is why they call it a fast and not a diet. you can do a 3,5,7,or 10 day juice fast and then eat fruits and vegetables and then incorporate healthy lean meats and fish and nuts.

it is up to you how you want to do it. i am on day 76 of a juice fast which i do not recommend at all but i have the willpower to do it and i am trying to get my mental health to feel better and the juicing has done it! it is a miracle. that is one benefit from juicing but i will need to get back to eating soon but i don't want junk food,sweets,bread,or dairy anymore because it made me feel horrible so this experience has changed me for the better. i feel 200% better than eating regular food.

i am here if you need someone.


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