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Pages: 1
Author Topic: Has beet juice made you very sick?

Posts: 1
Has beet juice made you very sick?
on: September 15, 2014, 22:26

Hi, I have been juicing for a while, and I recently drank about 2 cups of a juice blend that was very beet-heavy. (About 40% beet, 60% cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper) I had some VERY strong adverse reactions:

Weakness/faint feeling
Shortness of breath
Vision problems (lights became VERY bright, like mini suns!)
Hearing problems (sounded like everything was coming from a tin can or little cardboard box)

It began to get really bad in about 5 minutes, maybe less. I got dizzy, faint, and had to sit down. I felt like I could not get enough air, couldn't see right, couldn't hear right, and I got kind of panicked! I thought I was having some kind of blood pressure issue!
This is kind of gross, but I ended up hugging the toilet for a bit, just being sick. I was sick for about 20 seconds straight, until I had nothing left in my belly. Almost immediately, everything returned to normal. Vision, hearing, breathing, dizziness, all the problems went away and have not returned in the 2 days since this happened. I went to a festival the next day and ate all kinds of food and was on my feet all day, and had no problems! The entire episode lasted about 10 minutes total.

Has anyone else got this sick on juice containing large amounts of beet? Can anyone please tell me anything about it? I've read that beets can cause blood pressure drops, and my blood pressure usually sits a bit low... Just concerned is all. Please tell me I'm not the only one this has happened to!!


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