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Author Topic: Going to start juicing: some questions

Posts: 209
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 25, 2013, 15:48

thanks man,

i was reading irene's recipe with the butternut squash. how do you juice the squash???

Juice Expert
Posts: 28
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 25, 2013, 21:14

Love reading so many success stories and look forward to adding mine.

Question to those who have prepared Kale in their recipes. I made up a Mean Green with 8 leaves of Kale and barely anything hit my container. Does this sound right ?



Posts: 209
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 25, 2013, 21:24

hey rob,

i called the juice maker company and they gave me the best advice and it works!

juice all of your hard stuff except half of an apple of half of a cucumber first and then turn the juicer off and stuff it with kale and i mean tightly! then turn the juicer on the lowest setting and SLOWLY push the kale down and i mean slowly. i get so much green now it is unbelievable. at the end of the kale, put that last hard piece in and turn it on high and it will clean out all the kale.

i used to do kale first and the juice company said that i was clogging the strainer with the kale. now it is perfect and i also do my lemon and ginger at the end which makes it taste so much better. glad to have you aboard and if you need anything, message me personally or through here and i will be there to help.

i am on the computer all day since i work from home doing ebay so let the questions and concerns shoot!

take care rob and this really works in so many ways. i am also available by phone if you want at 706-865-4879. it is a land line. i don't text. take care and juice on!

Juice Expert
Posts: 28
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 25, 2013, 21:35

Hey andy4879,

Thanks for the quick reply it is much appreciated.

I am about to head off for work and will give it a try tonight on the last meal that has Kale in it and report back.

Also going to pick up some 1ltr bottles so i can prepare 2 meals during the work day. Any suggestions there?

Again, thanks for the support andy4879 and catch up soon.



Posts: 209
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 25, 2013, 21:40

hey rob,

don't get a bunch of bottles. i got a container that has a screw on top at wal-mart that holds i think a gallon and it has a measuring thing written on the side. it was like 4.00. you can load it up and measure it yourself. check out wal-mart. it was by the silverware stuff. some people say to get air tight containers but they are costly and you don't really need them as long as you keep the juice refrigerated. hope this helps!


Posts: 23
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 26, 2013, 07:05

Hello Andy, Donnie and all...
I'm new here and will begin my Juicing on Oct. 1st. and would like to know, approx. how long will I have the Runs, Loose stool? I have alot of weight to lose and Im thinking the heavier I am the more Waste I have to discard of?
Thanks in advance.

Juice Expert
Posts: 28
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 26, 2013, 08:16

Hey Andy,

Unfortunately we don't get Walmart in Australia :)

Going to use the SodaStream bottles as they come in 1ltr bottles which i can use for 2 juices during work.

Going to try out the Red juices over next couple days so i can hit the ground running when i start Monday.



Posts: 209
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 26, 2013, 14:48

is everybody on here from the land down under?

sounds good rob.

Posts: 209
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 26, 2013, 14:55

hello joe and welcome,

it does not really matter how much weight you have to lose concerning the bathroom. it took me 3 days to get rid of everything and i ate healthier than most but it could take up to a week. i am on day 48 or so and the only time i have to go is when i juice spinach or tomatoes but defiantly stay near a toilet for the first 3 days! doctor's say that people who eat regularly and aren't on a cleanse have up to 6 feet of waste built up in their bodies! that is why this is called a detox. it has been so nice not having to go number 2 much at all. i save on toilet paper but i miss the time i get to think in the bathroom. lol. women don't get that. good luck and we are all friends here so let us know if we can help in any way.

donnie has been a mentor to me and so much help and i would love to pass that on.

take care and juice on!

Posts: 6
Donnie Toivola
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 26, 2013, 16:09

Joe, as Andy said everyone has waste built up in them from their previous meals. It depends on how much you have eaten and what you have eaten that will determine the quantity of your stools. Not everyone experiences loose stools. The majority of the toxins will be released through your urine since juice is absorbed and not digested.

Joe, Rob, let me know if you have any questions.

Posts: 209
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: September 30, 2013, 22:14

hello donnie,

today is day 50 and i am down almost 40 pounds and i had some more questions, of course!

beans,peas,lentils,and garbonzo beans have high complex carbs which i need to work out with. can you juice these?

for vegetables, it says, spinach,sweet potatoes,zucchini,brussel sprouts and broccoli have the most complex carbs.

so, how do i juice all that stuff and make it taste good? i bet that will stump you. i did research and i need complex carbs instead of simple ones like the fruit juices give me so i need to juice the above before i work out. please get back to me soon on this. thanks,andy

Juice Expert
Posts: 28
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: October 1, 2013, 07:41

Awesome work Andy, it is really inspiring to see how well you have done.

I have just begun my journey and have started with a good start to Day #1.

Can only hope that people keep posting about their stories, struggles and day to day things they come across to help us all reach our goals.

Good luck to all.



Posts: 23
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: October 1, 2013, 07:48

Andy and donnie, If I'm making 3 32.Oz's of juice daily, how do i juice it without clogging up my screen? Im using the Breville like the one in the Fat sick and nearly dead movie?
Thanks for all of your help, as i begin my journey with you guys :)

Posts: 209
Re: Going to start juicing: some questions
on: October 1, 2013, 16:36

thanks rob and you are inspiration for being able to do this and keep with it and already lose 5 pounds! that is awesome. take that jenny craig! i might want to do that skype thing so let me know. i did it with my sister who lives in england.

hello joewee,

i called breville as i was having trouble as well and they told me to do the kale and leafy greens towards the end since that is what clogs it up and then lastly, use half of an apple to clean out the strainer. it works great for me and i actually get more kale juice out of it. when i put my kale in, i pack it in there and slowly push it down on the slow setting and i get a lot of kale juice, then i do half an apple and then my ginger and lemon.

let me know how that goes.


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