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Author Topic: Gain weight on juice?

Posts: 1
Gain weight on juice?
on: April 23, 2014, 15:15

Opposed to most people, Im actually trying to GAIN weight. I workout everyday, weightlifting, running, soccer. Due to over a decade of undiagnosed gluten intollerance and other digestive issues, I have completely ruined my digestive system. Therefor, im looking for ways to increase my nutritional and caloric intake without taxing my weak stomach- and gutlining.

What im wondering is, how much of the calories from the foods that you are juicing actually gets into the juice? Im especially interested in starchy foods like carrots, sweet potatoes etc that can replenish my glycogen stores. Does the starch get into the juice?

My plan is to use juice as a supplement, not as a replacement for other meals.

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