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Author Topic: Foam! (does it count?)

Posts: 1
Foam! (does it count?)
on: September 14, 2013, 18:19

Hi again Donnie/bloggers,
I am on the 23rd day of a 30-day fast. Everything is going well and I appreciate your earlier advice and this entire website SO much! I have been searching through hundred of questions trying to find the answer to this, which is a question just out of curiosity. If you drink the foam, does it count as part of the juice? I typically do drink the foam, but if it counts as more ounces that would put me way above the 16-20oz/4-6times a day mark.

Heidi 😎

Juice Expert
Posts: 32
Re: Foam! (does it count?)
on: September 16, 2013, 13:58

Heidi... I wondered that same thing. Only I don't drink the foam... I actually avoid it! The texture of it makes me ... ick! LOL Can't wait to see Donnie's answer on this one though.

Congratulations on making it 23 days... have you done shorter fasts before this one? I would think in order to make it for such a long fast, a person would need to do shorter ones first.

Posts: 1207
Re: Foam! (does it count?)
on: September 16, 2013, 15:58

I don't typically count the foam as part of the juice. I don't get much foam in my juices though. You can choose to drink it or choose not to. It's completely your choice. If you like it, then drink it, if not then don't drink it. It won't impact your juice fast in a bad way.

Heidi congrats on 23 days!!! Don't worry about going over any set limit. the 4-6 times per and and 16-20 ounces are the typical range but it's okay if you have less or more as each and every person is a little different. Just keep juicing and doing what you're doing and things will be great!

Becky, once you get past the first week it's real easy to just continue juicing. I was originally only going to go for 3 days on my first fast. Things were just so good I kept going.

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

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