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Author Topic: First Timer

Posts: 3
First Timer
on: July 29, 2013, 05:02

Hi There,

My name is Jody - and i live in Sydney, Australia. Howdy !

I'm doing a juice fast starting today - the first one in many years. I am overweight and lethargic and i'm aiming to stick to this for 14 days.

I weight around 114/115kgs which is the largest i've ever weighed in my life. Consequently, I need to do something healthy and that gives me some relief from carrying around this load !

So far on day one i can feel the onset of a headache coming on and i have been continually using my bladder which i guess is because of the liver being activated.

The juices that i've had this morning including kale & cucumber were delicious and things that i don't normally eat.

I am a bit concerned about my blood sugar level dropping but just monitoring my progress as i go.

Feel like everyone around me is waiting for the big 'fail' - like many things i've tried before. For some reason, i do feel different and confident that my body is asking for a big clean out, hence the decision to juice fast and detox.

A quick question - how much exercise should i do ? And what frequency ?

Look forward to sharing my journey and reaping some positive results and a bit of inward & outward shine to go with it !!

Cheers from Down Under :)


Posts: 1207
Re: First Timer
on: July 29, 2013, 05:13

Jody, welcome to JOJ and congrats on starting your juice fast! You will use the restroom a lot as most of the waste travels through your urine. If you get headaches it's okay to take tylenol or ibuprofen.

It's great that you are trying out new things that you normally don't include in your diet. You're getting loads of nutrients that your body doesn't normally get. Just keep monitoring your blood sugar levels and keep an eye on things.

Don't let anyone's negativity get to you. I found that a lot of people were waiting for me to fail also. On one hand they cheer you on, but on the other hand some people just don't like change. Just focus on yourself, your goals, and your well being and let everyone else watch you succeed!

I wouldn't do any exercise until you are through the detox period. After about 3-5 days you'll start to get that rush of energy and you'll feel fantastic. That's when you can start exercising. You don't want to put your body through any more stresses than you have to while going through detox. It's best to just let your body work things out and it will tell you when it's ready.

I'm always here if you have questions or need some support Jody. Keep me posted!

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." Keep this in mind while on your fast!

I was 212 lbs before I started juicing, today I am 185 lbs and feel better than I did 10 years ago!

How To Juice Fast | JustOnJuice Blog

Posts: 3
Re: First Timer
on: July 29, 2013, 05:52

Thanks so much for your kind reply and solid advise. I appreciate it ! I'll keep you posted for sure :-)

Posts: 3
Re: First Timer
on: July 30, 2013, 05:14

Hi There,

Here i am and surviving Day 2. I have got the customary detox headache and felt rather tired last night - however i am riding it out and sticking with it.

I did notice looking at my skin today is looked remarkably "glowy" - couldn't believe it after just 2 x days. I don't normally eat cucumber or so much fruit/vegetables so i'm guessing my skin likes it !

Hoping that the headache phase passes in next day or two. I had a lymphatic detox massage at lunchtime today so hoping that this will help process those toxins through the system.

Many Thanks !


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