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Author Topic: Finding Strength and Overcoming Challenges: Day 11

Posts: 1
Finding Strength and Overcoming Challenges: Day 11
on: October 5, 2014, 03:23

So, today marks the 11th day of my juice fast and I am so happy that I have come this far. I have lost 10 lbs and would like to lose 20 lbs more. When I first committed to the fast, I thought I would do it for a week. That week commitment became 14 days, and 14 days is now one month. Most moments I know I can do this. It seems easy. (Especially as I drink a mango, apple, kiwi, and grapefruit juice.) However, there are days like today that can feel very difficult. I have two jobs. My weekday job is as a nutrition and physical activity coordinator. The nutrition lessons I give the children include making hands on snacks. (last week we made homemade salsa ahhhh)I also work at a pro-vegan restaurant as a cook. There I was tonight, with homemade veggie burgers and spinach pies right under my nose. My senses are stronger than ever before! I have been able to resist eating at both jobs. On nights like tonight though, when I'm invited to a party that all my co-workers are attending... and choose to not indulge; it is TOUGH. Why didn't I go? Well, the urge to drink alcohol there would consume me. I don't want to waste 11 days of fasting for one night of poisoning my body. I haven't drink in two months. A couple years ago, I would drink booze almost everyday. It is still a trigger for me. So, tonight I wait for my homemade veggie broth to finish on the stove. Soon, I'll fill the tub with hot water and light some sage. Any tips on reminding myself why I am doing this? Any body with words of motivation out there? I need it.

Thank you to anyone who will read this.

Thinking of baked sweet potatoes and coconut butter,

Annamarie Chantel

Posts: 14
Re: Finding Strength and Overcoming Challenges: Day 11
on: October 14, 2014, 15:39

Congratulations Anna Marie!! You must be on day 20 now if you are still on the fast! I'm just starting and I already feel so good. My friends said I'd never last a day... I thought I'd cave in by the end one day one and have something solid. But it's day three and I haven't cheated a bit.

Funny thing is although I love food, comfort foods, desserts and rice, I've been craving only one thing since yesterday, a crunchy leaf of lettuce. Its driving me crazy! I just want to crunch into one... desperately! Lol

Please do write updates... I'd love to hear more from you..

“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.”

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