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Author Topic: feeling anxious and irritable at night

Posts: 4
feeling anxious and irritable at night
on: January 31, 2014, 16:59

So I am on my 9th day for the past 3 days I have been getting really irritable and have anxiety around 7 till i go to bed around 10..does anyone else experience this? I was doing fine on other days except for day 3 was really hard on me lol. My family ordered dominos pizza..thought I was gonna punch someone for a piece of pizza. I have experienced this in the past if I dont eat during the day. I have not been juicing past 6pm and try to stay on a schedule. does anyone have any ideas for me? I am constantly thinking about food like steak or chicken..not junkfood. I dont seem to be having the breezey part after the first few days like other people =(

Posts: 1
Re: feeling anxious and irritable at night
on: January 31, 2014, 23:27

Jenners, sounds like you need to consume more juice. If you're that hungry you may not be drinking enough. When I feel like that I have a cup of decaffeinated Green Tea as it's suppose to ease your hunger pains which seems to help me out. On occasion, when I'm having a hard evening, I've just gone off to bed early - it stops the cravings plus I wake up refreshed. Good Luck :-)

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