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Author Topic: Does Body Size Matter for Juice Amounts?

Posts: 1
Does Body Size Matter for Juice Amounts?
on: December 23, 2013, 19:16

Hi! I'm a 6'7" 325 lb. early 40-something guy looking to lose 60 lbs while getting some more energy. My target weight is 270. My doctor agrees, but says he'd just be happy if my weight started with a "2" for now. I have a fairly athletic build and most people guess my weight to be around 250-275 now as it is. I am a former college and semi-pro athlete, so I "carry my weight" well. (My playing weight my senior year in college was 255. So, I'd still like to drop around 60 lbs or so.

So, all that to ask this: Should I as a 6'7" 325 man drink more juice than a guy who is 5'10" and weighs 230? Or a lady who is 5'5" and weighs 150? Is there a difference? How would I know how much to drink if there is?

Thanks for any insights! :)

Posts: 3
Re: Does Body Size Matter for Juice Amounts?
on: January 8, 2014, 18:05

My husband is about 100lbs heavier than I am and he drinks 3x more juice than I do, which is a heck of a lot. If he doesn't drink enough he "bottoms out" and gets tired, feels like crap and gets really really hungry. I think it all just depends on you, really. Start with whatever the normal is, 64oz of juice a day I think? Don't quote me lol And if all of a sudden you feel like you're empty and ravenous, drink more.

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