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Author Topic: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?

Juice Professional
Posts: 52
Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 26, 2013, 20:17

Hey guys I am on day 2 and I am getting in the swing of things.. Yes its a bit of pain to clean the Juicer every time.

I was wondering could I just make all my juices 4-6 of them in the morning and store them in the fridge for the day and have them when I want.

That means I just need to clean the juicer out just once a day instead of 6 times a day LOL!

If this is possible what do you guys use to store the juice in?

Also does anyone save the pulp or does everyone just put it in the compost bin? Seems such a waste...

Ok so Happy I found this site..!

I am on the road to being healthy!

Thanks guys


Posts: 23
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 01:07

Dan Mc Donald has done several in the AM for the entire day, not sure if it was for him or someone that he was doing it for. I wil have to as i have a Career and wont have access to the juicer @ work, I do have a vitamix here that i will just use to Re Blend the drinks as i drink them.
Hope this helped.

Juice Expert
Posts: 29
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 01:32

Nick I did a 30 day juice fast awhile ago and I made all my juices up in the morning. I would use mason jars and put 3 ice cubes in the jar than add the juice. I stored them in the refrigerator. They do lose some nutrients since you don't drink them right away but I liked having to clean my juicer only once. Good luck on your juice journey.

Juice Professional
Posts: 52
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 01:37

Thanks Joe yeah I was thinking of just making different juices for the day at one time in the morning and then bottle the different juices for the day and store the in the fridge.. Saves cleaning the juicier each time..

Anyway I am completing day 2!! Things are going well haven't beenonthe scale yet might wait till the 1st or on the weekend lol

Getting the hang of making the juices. I think give me a few more days and things will get even better I hear the first 3-4 days are the hardest!

Ok can't wait till you get juicing then I will have a partner dong this ! Lol

Ok thanks for the info I am wondering what bottles you could store the juice in for the day in the fridge...

Talk soon!

Juice Professional
Posts: 52
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 01:40

Thanks Debi! Just a question did you fill the mason jars right to the top so there is no air the screw the lids on?

Why the ice cubes? I am so glad I found this site very helpful info on here..

How did you find things after your 30 juce fast ?

Ok might go out and by some mason jars this weekend !


Posts: 20
Kurokujira Kurokujikiri
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 13:10

I'm usually busy in the morning so I make 24 hours worth of juice in the evening after getting home from work, in lieu of cooking dinner. I usually make 3 kinds of juices according to the colour of the ingredients: a juice from green-yellow-white ingredients, a juice from orange-red-yellow ingredients and a juice from purple-blue ingredients. I do my juicing with the colours of the ingredients separate, because I really, really do not want to drink any brown coloured liquids, HAHAH!

Juice Professional
Posts: 52
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 13:22

Wow cool that's what I want to do..l what do you store them in ? Would love to see a photo of a batch you made in the bottles... You should also include the receipes for each..

I am just starting day 3 and just made my morning batch 2 apples 2 carrots 6 romaine leaves and 5 strawberries.. Tasted great!

Ok thanks for the long have you been juicing Kurok.... ? How do you find it...

Ok thanks again


Posts: 20
Kurokujira Kurokujikiri
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 13:43

I store them in these 2L airtight BPA-free plastic water jugs that fit into the fridge door - the brand name is "Lock And Lock".

I have been juicing for just over 1 week, during which I did a 3 Day Juice Fast, and I am about to start on a 4 Day Juice Fast tomorrow. I have found it SO EASY to include so many more vegetables into my diet ever since I started juicing, with only a little bit of fruit added in for taste. I have Type II Diabetes and my blood sugar levels have been absolutely spot-on ever since I started juicing, even after my doctor halved my insulin dosage! Before I began juicing, my blood sugar levels were completely unable to be controlled, despite being on sky-high doses of insulin, as well as oral medications. I have also lost over 5 lbs of weight in the 3 days of juice fasting, and my clothes are feeling noticeably loser.

Strawberry juice is yummy! I just made an orangey-red juice from red apples, red bell peppers, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and ginger. It was a new taste sensation for me so far: sweet, sour and spicy hot, woot woot!


Juice Professional
Posts: 52
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 13:54

Wow that sounds great! Iwillhave to try that receipe.. Is more creative with my juices and sticking with heavy vegans a little fruit just to make it a little sweet.. It's amazing the difference in taste just from changing the types of apples you use...

Thanks so much for your info... I am doing this for myself just to get healthier and lose some weight once I get down to where I am happy I will slowly introduce small healthy meals but I think I will always be juicing. It's amazing how nice they taste!

This website I have said it before but really is amazing with all the nice people on here and we are all into it together... I did watch that Fat Sick and Nearly dead movie which really got me hooked!

Ok chat soon...


Juice Expert
Posts: 29
Re: Does anyone make Juices for the day in one shot?
on: September 27, 2013, 15:29

Nick if you end up using the mason jars get some plastic tops for them. The metal ones rust after only a few washes in the dishwasher. The plastic tops are from the same company that does the mason jars. I did have to order the tops online as my store didn't carry them.

I pretty much lived off of one juice recipe. I used very little fruit as I didn't like my juice to sweet and I was also trying to lose weight. Here is the recipe I used:
one granny smith apple
3 celery stalks
3 romaine leaves
handful of spinach
one cucumber
1" ginger
1/4 lemon
I usually got two drinks out of this recipe but think it is only 13oz for each one then. Once in awhile I would treat myself and add another fruit to it. Peach or a grapefruit I liked the best. I lost 21 pounds on the juice fast and when I got off the fast I did two juices and a salad for dinner. The problem was that after awhile I was stupid and went back to eating pizza, hamburgers, chinese food and other junk. My portion sizes were also way to much. I ended up putting back on most of what I had lost. I went back on the juice fast last week tho. I had some stomach issues during my 30 day juice fast which unfortunately returned for this juice fast so I had to stop. Now I am doing the slim fast program. My stomach issues have gone away and I continue to lose weight. I did enjoy the taste of the juices and the people I met on this site. This forum makes the juice journey a lot of fun. Good luck to you and I hope my information helped you.

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