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Author Topic: Day one.

Posts: 2
Day one.
on: January 21, 2014, 22:50

😕 How. Do. I. Get. Through. The. First. Three. Days. Without. Dying. Of. Starvation!? I AM SO HUNGRY. I can't afford to go and buy the needed essentials for more than 3 juices a day. And I want food, it feels like I am starving myself. I drank the juice for breakfast and it did not even SLIGHTLY satisfy my hunger. I'm shaky. I have headaches. Not to mention, being on my period makes me even more hungry. Lol. I know the first 3-5 days on a diet will always suck. But please, if anyone has any idea on what I can do to stop my stomach from yelling at me, it would be much appreciated.

Posts: 19
Re: Day one.
on: January 22, 2014, 01:51

Inkedcanvas, how many oz are your 3 drinks? You should never be hungry, you should just drink more juice as needed. If you have a Costco card, they sell romaine, cucumbers, baby kale, and lots of great juicing produce in bulk, and fairly cheep. Not organic, but it doesn't sound like thats in your budget anyway. Best of luck!

Posts: 2
Re: Day one.
on: January 22, 2014, 02:55

They're about 16-18 ounces. And yes, I'm slightly on a budget. Lol. But thank you for letting me knkw about Costco!

Posts: 13
Re: Day one.
on: January 27, 2014, 16:06

Definitely utilize Costco or BJs for your produce...and use water rich veggies. Things like carrots, romaine, cucumber and celery all produce a lot of juice compared to others, like spinach or kale. I usually make a juice of carrot, apple and ginger and another with cucumber, celery, apple, romaine and another green and some lemon.

Posts: 13
Re: Day one.
on: January 27, 2014, 16:06

If you are hungry, you need to drink more juice.

Posts: 23
Re: Day one.
on: January 30, 2014, 07:41

Hey there Inkedcanvas,

Yes the first 3 -5 days are the hardest, just make sure you have the appropriate amount of juices and take when you feel the huger urge. I tend to sip over about 2 hours sometimes helps keep my hunger at bay. I'm now on day 26 ish and I still get the odd hunger urges. Its par for the course just push through it and good luck! :)

Regards Chaz

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