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Author Topic: Can I haz just a little?

Posts: 1
Can I haz just a little?
on: July 18, 2014, 20:05

Ok just started a Juice fast two days ago, mostly kale and cucumbers and small amounts of fruit. Its going well I suppose. I work as a cook in a restaurant that serves burgers, and steak, and pancakes, So that's torturous at times.

My question is this. I have an Omega juicer, and found a neat recipe for banana ice cream. Is that a no no for me while on a fast? I know the whole point is to not have solid food but not sure if this counts. It looks so tasty.

Another side question can I have unsweetened Almond milk from the store?

thanks a lot everyone

Posts: 11
Re: Can I haz just a little?
on: December 9, 2014, 20:35

I'm guessing that a juicing elitist would say no no, but health wise - a banana will only make you feel less like crap as you continue to embark on your juice-fast-journey. the only problem is that you'll be enticed to eat more sugar after the banana ice cream.
Almond milk is fine too as long as it's not sweet.
if you're looking for a juicer check out for a great selection at discounted prices.

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