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Author Topic: 7 days of juice fasting in Bali

Posts: 1
7 days of juice fasting in Bali
on: September 24, 2015, 02:20

What an opportunity for anyone who wants to kick-start their health to a new level of awareness. I've done some juice fasting in the past, the longest I've done is 7 days. Amazing changes and felt the difference immediately. As most of you reading this are already health conscious or looking for new ways to improve overall vitality, I found this link in which can help spread the wealth of health knowledge. I've been following Tyler Tolman for some time now and I had to share this trip of a lifetime with all of you since he's been a role model for my own health endeavors. Even if you don't enter your name on the link below, you can check out his website. Just google Tyler Tolman and see how there's a library of fun information. Also, let me know if you win, or even let me know if you've heard of him. I'm not affiliated with him by any means, just a human being who found another person via the web who is inspirational. If you have any inspirational people in your life, please share.

Cling Cling - the sound of my juice glass hitting yours. Cheers to higher vibration and frequency!

"And when an opportunity arises the person that is given it has to make sure he takes it"

Here's the link. Just copy and paste -

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