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Author Topic: 3 days on 1 day off?

Posts: 1
3 days on 1 day off?
on: October 18, 2013, 00:37

hey im 17 trying to lose a little weight already did a 3 day juice fast lost 5 pounds but gave in because of hunger and the sheer beauty of whole food I just had to eat something anyways what i was thinking was that would having a 3 day juice fast followed by a 1 day solid food day and then another 3 day juice fast followed by another solid food day etc. etc. and that goes on. Does anyone see a flaw in that? Maybe it might make it easier for some people. Because im pretty sure 3 days is long enough to flush out your system and lose 5 pounds so to make it easier would this not work? sorry for the rant but yeah any opinions?

Posts: 209
Re: 3 days on 1 day off?
on: October 19, 2013, 21:23

the point of a juice fast is to detox your body from the bad food you ate before the fast. it is not meant for weight loss but it has that side effect. by juicing 3 days and eating what you want on the 4th. day, is pretty much a waste of time. if you are looking to retrain your body and taste buds, you need to do a longer fast or do a 3 day juice fast and on the forth day, eat just fruits and vegetables. you are not giving your stomach enough time to get rest as you do 3 days and get right back to regular food is taxing on the digestive system. honestly at 17 years old, you should only do a juice fast to detox or if you are severely overweight but when you get older and get into bad eating habits, you juice to change your way of eating and way of life. you are still at a point where you can lose weight easily at your age so i would not do this for weight loss. i have been on a juice fast for almost 70 days and i am almost 41 and i plan on changing my life. at 17, i did not care what i ate or health which was wrong but if you are hungry, eat fruits and vegetables and you will lose weight and still be eating healthy!

if you need more help, i am here for you

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