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Summary - Cici
Name: Cici R Cici
Registered: June 14, 2013, 17:25
Posts: 7
Position: Juicer
Jabber/google Talk:
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Hello, I have been Gluten Free(GF) since October 2011 and even dabbled in the Dairy/Sugar free(D/SF) and I am almost free but not quite. I would call myself 65% dairy/Sugar free. Reasoning? I have joint inflammation. I am 25 and have had it for 5 years. It all started Feb/2008 and after years of torture, I finally found an herbalist to help me. She said it must be food allergies. I used to be at a #10 all the time, but now after about 1 1/2 years, I am about a 2-4. I wanted to start a juice fast because I want to be down to 0 pain level and get back on that dairy/sugar free life. While on that only I lost 50 lbs in 6 months. I weighed 220 when I first started going GF, then down to 170 lbs when I was D/SF, now I am back up to 200 after going back on the sugar and dairy. Whoo.... long winded. I guess that is the jist of it. I am hoping to really get my body back in better health. So here I go!

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