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Summary - alex_new2juice
Name: Alexandra alex_new2juice
Registered: December 17, 2013, 15:33
Posts: 1
Position: Juicer
Jabber/google Talk:
Biographical Info:

I'm 23 years old, and I'm new to the juicing concept. I have heard about juicing here and there in the past but never knew much about it until I watched the documentary film "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". It was inspiring. I currently suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which stops menstruation and ovulation, messes with insulin production, raises my blood pressure, and puts me at risk for many other issues such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease. This condition causes weight gain and makes it extremely difficult to lose any weight. As of now there is no cure for this condition; it can only be treated with medications such as birth control or Metformin - a diabetes medication. I have read stories online about people with PCOS sort of "reversing" their condition by performing a complete overhaul on their poor diets, and that's what I'm hoping to do. Just like Joe and Phil in "Fat, Sick and Tired", I'd like to help my body cure itself. I don't want to take medication anymore; I want to take control of my life and my future! I joined this site with the hopes of finding some tips and recipes. Most importantly I joined this site to find support and encouragement from people out there who are juicing for better health!

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